In stride: 50 states, 50 half marathons over 50

By David Fleet
Goodrich — Goodrich resident Ann Chlebnik was not a runner.
Except for a very short stint in the 1980s for the first 56 years of Chlebnik’s 72 years of life she did not lace up a running shoe, join running teams or even contemplate the daunting 13.1 miles of a half marathon.
“I never even had the option of joining a track team at Holy Cross Catholic School,” said Chlebnik, a Missouri native, who moved with her family to the City of Algonac at the age four and attended school in nearby Marine City. “We did not have any girls sports teams at Holy Cross.”
Chlebnik graduated in 1971 she married husband Robert in 1972, had a daughter Aimee in 1984 and worked full time in the banking business.
“I was a Sunday School mom all those years,” she said.
In 2008 all that would change.
“One of my good friends was recovering from cancer and she needed someone to join her on walks,” recalls Chelbnik. “I figured I could do that.”
The pair decided to walk the 10 miles of the Bobby Crim Festival of Races in Flint in 2008.
“Once we crossed the finish line we vowed to run the 10 miles of the Crim the next year in 2009,” she said. “Three weeks later we did the Brooskie Way Half Marathon.”
Chlebnik found conversation with her mates while running, not speed, the key to continue. The local group found their stride however after 25 half marathons there was no conscious decision to take on the big challenge of 50 half marathons in 50 states.
“So it just kind of evolved into the task,” she said. “It was a slow evolution, but at one point I was running with a friend that was a marathoner whose husband had died of cancer. I explained my new quest of a half marathon in every state and she decided to join me. We traveled together, each doing either our half and full marathons.”
Running became her social activity, she said.
“I run and walk with a phenomenal group of people,” she said. “They all are over 60 years old and very friendly. Pace or times really are not the issue with us. We just keep going.”
As the mileage grew her quest for 50 half marathons in 50 states had some rather unique treks, she recalled.
“The New Hampshire Marathon was the best, just because all my friends decided to go there for my 70th birthday,” she said. “Wyoming half marathon was the worst, the altitude was not friendly to us ‘flat landers’ from Michigan. Nor was the course which was hot and very sunny. Alaska however was great, from the time we touched down in Anchorage over the next 52 hours my friend ran a marathon and I did my half marathon.”
Following hundreds races and daily runs over the past 16 years she has been injury free.
“I’ve tried a variety of shoes and found the Brooks Glycerin to be the best for me,” she said. “I also support interval running, it keeps me going.”
The 16 year quest to run 50 half marathons in 50 states ended in Hawaii, Jan, 19, 2025 at the Maui Oceanfront Marathon. She was joined with her daughter Amiee and son in law.
“There were whales just off the coast where we ran,” she said. “The whales were breaching and spouting water. I was really glad to be done. But I did not cry. I never do.”

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