Interim Goodrich village council member appointed

By David Fleet
Village resident Richard Saroli was appointed to the Goodrich Village Council at their June 13 meeting.
By a 3-1 vote, Saroli will now serve as an interim councilmember until the Aug. 2 election.
Council President Doug McAbee voted no. Council members Phil Jackson, Pete Morey and Rick Horton voted for the appointment.
The seat has been vacant since the recall of Council President Patricia Wartella on May 3. The council had been voting with four members.
The village charter requires the council to appoint an interim member within 60 days following a recall.
Saroli, along with Beth Sommers, Gregory Konkle and Franklin First, will be on the Aug. 2 ballot as candidates to serve until Nov. 2012, the completion of Wartella’s term of office.