Lake Orion Police and Fire

LO Police Log
Monday, October 5, police responded to a burglar alarm at a S. Broadway business. All clear.
Three ordinance violations observed on E. Flint Street.
Accident reported on S. Broadway.
Animal complaint reported on Atwater. Meter reader bit by dog.
Warrant arrest made.
Suspicious circumstances reported on Long Pointe. Child taken out of area.
Suspicious circumstances reported on S. Broadway. Gas station clerk may have seen ‘drive-off? culprit.
Lost property reported on S. Broadway. Subject left wallet at gas station.
Tuesday, October 6, ordinance violation observed on S. Broadway.
Customer failed to pay for services at an E. Flint Street salon.
Ordinance violation observed at Front and Anderson Streets. Graffiti on stop sign.
Suspicious circumstances reported on Slater. Window open in vacant house.
Accidental damage reported on E. Flint Street. Two flat tires on patrol car.
Wednesday, October 7, parking complaint reported at Central and Park Boulevard.
Ordinance violation observed on W. Shadbolt.
Ordinance violation observed on S. Anderson Street.
Thursday, October 8, two ordinance violations observed on Bellevue.
Ordinance violation observed on Highland.
Ordinance violation observed on Atwater.
Friday, October 9, accident reported on N. Washington.
Accident reported on N. Park Boulevard.
Saturday, October 10, police responded to a burglar alarm from a S. Broadway business. All clear.
Larceny reported on N. Park Boulevard. Flower pots taken from business.
Animal complaint reported on E. Church Street. Sick raccoon observed. Officers reported animal had rabies and put it down.
Noise complaint reported on N. Park Boulevard. Loud music.
Sunday, October 11, suspicious circumstances reported on S. Broadway. Subject found sleeping in vehicle in parking lot.
Driving with license suspended arrest made.
Parking complaint reported at Smith Court and Broadway.

Fire Calls
Monday, October 5, stations #1, 2, 3 and 4 responded to a structure fire on Huston. Smoke, flames visible.
Station #1 responded to a gas leak on Bellevue.
Station #3 investigated odors on Baldwin Road.
Station #1 responded to a carbon monoxide alarm on Hillcrest.
Tuesday, October 6, station #1 responded to a boat fire on N. Long Lake.
Station #1 responded to a sparking transformer on N. Long Lake.
Wednesday, October 7, station #1 responded to arcing wires on Buckhorn.
Station #1 responded to arcing wires on Grampian.
Station #3 responded to a personal injury accident at Baldwin and Waldon Roads.
Station #1 investigated odors at Joslyn and Indianwood Roads.
Thursday, October 8, station #2 responded to a compost fire on Giddings Road.
Station #1 assisted Addison Fire Department with a structure fire on Lakeview.
Station #2 responded to a personal injury accident on Scripps Road.
Friday, October 9, station #1 responded to a carbon monoxide alarm on Bunny Run Boulevard.
Station #3 investigated odors on Brown Road.
Saturday, October 10, station #3 responded to a gasoline spill on Joslyn Road.
Station #2 responded to a fire alarm on M-24.

Deputy reports
An employee at a retail store on Baldwin Road called police to report four ‘intimidating? women came into the store and proceeded to act in a suspicious manner. The women left the store and climbed into a 90s Ford Taurus, sans a driver’s window and hubcaps, the employee said. Deputies arrived on the scene as the car’s driver’later identified as a 22-year-old Pontiac woman with an outstanding arrest warrant’stopped the vehicle in the middle of the parking lot, jumped out and started to run. She was later located in a residential area and jailed on the warrant. The store manager told deputies the group of women had been coming into the business on a regular basis, but never buy anything.

A Flint woman will find an unhappy surprise in her mailbox after Orion Township deputies connected her to a theft at a retail store in the 4900 block of Baldwin Road Oct. 5. The store manager called police to report the woman and a friend came into the store, put a pair of shoes into a large purse and left. After running the license plate’which the store manager jotted down as the car drove off’deputies found the car was registered to a woman who’s driver’s license photo matched the appearance of the woman in store surveillance video. The deputy wrote a citation for third-degree retail fraud and mailed it to the woman’s home.

Residents in the 800 block of Long Lake Drive called police Oct. 6 after a pontoon boat caught fire. The boat’s owner told police he drove the boat to the end of the lake and back and went inside when neighbor called to tell him the boat was on fire. The man said he put out the fire with a bucket of water from the lake, but also got some help from deputies who arrived with a fire extinguisher.

A woman called police Oct. 11 claiming a box containing jewelry valued at $2,490 was stolen from her room in a hotel on Lapeer Road. The case was turned over to Orion Township detectives, who were investigating.

A 40 year-old Independence Township man was arrested and jailed on drunk driving charges Oct. 11 after he was pulled over on a traffic violation near Clarkston Road and Beardon around 2:30 a.m. Noting the man appeared and smelled highly intoxicated, the deputy administered sobriety tests, which the man failed, and a PBT, which registered .197 percent. The man’s car was impounded and he was chauffeured to the Oakland County Jail.

Deputies responded to a home invasion in the 2400 block of Cole Road Oct. 9 after a couple arrived home from work to find a rear door kicked in and the house in disarray. According to police reports, the unknown person or persons rifled through jewelry boxes, dressers and closets, then stashed the loot in a pillowcase from the bed. Police were investigating.

LO Police Log
Monday, September 28, arrest made for driving while license suspended on Indian Lake Road.
Suspicious circumstances reported on Atwater. Unknown noise heard.
Ordinance violation observed at Flint and Perry Streets.
Ordinance violation observed on S. Broadway.
Fraud reported on N. Park Boulevard.
Animal complaint reported at Elizabeth and Lapeer Streets. Beheaded goose in roadway.
Accident reported at M-24 and Heights Road.
Larceny reported on Newton Drive.
Tuesday, September 29, suspicious circumstances reported on Lakeview. Garage door open.
Police responded to a burglar alarm on S. Broadway. All secure.
Road hazard reported on Glenn.
Accident reported at M-24 and Atwater.
Threatening phone calls reported from N. Axford Street.
Fraud reported on Cedar Bend. Vehicle wongfully sold on Craig’s List.
Wednesday, September 30, suspicious circumstances reported on N. Broadway.
Suspicious vehicle reported on Park Island.
Thursday, October 1, police responded to a burglar alarm in a N. Park Boulevard business. Accidental setoff.
Accidental property damage reported on Glenn. Resident mowing lawn sent rock through window.
Suspicious circumstances in Atwater Park reported. Young man gesturing inappropriately at a little girl.
Friday, October 2, abandoned vehicle reported on N. Broadway.
Theft of services reported in an E. Flint Street business. Customer left without paying.
Larceny reported in a S. Broadway business. Lottery tickets taken.
Road hazard reported at Atwater and Perry. Broken glass in roadway.
Saturday, October 3, suspicious circumstances reported in Evergreen Cemetery.
Animal complaint reported on W. Flint Street. Dog barking.
Sunday, October 4, suspicious circumstances reported on the foot bridge over Paint Creek.
Family trouble reported on N. Axford Street.

All of the above information is on file at the Lake Orion Village Police Department.

Fire Calls
Monday, September 28, station #3 responded to an accident involving a vehicle on fire on Baldwin Road.
Station #2 responded to a methane alarm on North Pointe.
Tuesday, September 29, station #3 responded to a carbon monoxide alarm on Oakridge Court.
Thursday, October 1, station #1 responded to a personal injury accident on M-24.
Stations #1, 2, 3 and 4 responded to a burn complaint on Indianwood Road.
Friday, October 2, station #1 responded to a personal injury accident at Indianwood Road and Abseguami Trail.

The Lake Orion Fire Department has responded to 1,171 fire and emergency calls thus far in 2009.

Deputy reports
A 40-year-old Orion Township woman filed a police report Sept. 21 after a credit card company informed her someone attempted to open a card in her name. The woman said she was advised inquiries for cards were also made at four other companies, as well.

A 39-year-old Waterford man was arrested and jailed on drunk driving charges after he was pulled over on a traffic violation near Clarkston and Baldwin roads around 2 a.m., Sept. 24. The man blew a PBT of .197 percent’more than twice the legal limit of .08’and was ‘slurring his words and thick tongued,? the arresting deputy noted.

Orion Township investigators were looking into a case of animal cruelty after a man in the 40 block of Sparrow Hill found one of his cats dead’apparently shot with a BB gun’and the other missing. Neighbors told police they heard two men make incriminating statements indicating responsibility.

A deputy who pulled over a speeding vehicle Sept. 24 on I-75 near Baldwin Road found the driver had a felony warrant for dangerous drugs out of Flint. The driver was jailed, but her passenger, who was in violation of parole restrictions for being out past his state-imposed curfew’with 27 grams of marijuana stuffed in his shorts, no less’was fingerprinted and released after Orion deputies got no response from the Department of Corrections? after-hours number.

A 29-year-old Orion Township man was arrested for disorderly conduct after he became loud and argumentative with a deputy who stopped to inquire why the man and his friend were yelling and crouching between cars near a dealership on Lapeer Road around 1:30 a.m. Sept. 26. The man, who said he was on his way home from work at a nearby bar, told the deputy he’d been drinking. The second man was cooperative, the deputy noted.

An Orion Township man living on Canary Hill Drive called police after returning from work Sept. 25 to find his front door unlocked and video games, a game system and iPod missing from inside. Deputies observed no signs of forced entry, but noted an open window. The man called police again Sept. 28 to report someone once again entered his home while he was at work, this time stealing a flat screen television.

A 24-year-old Orion Township man blew a PBT indicating he was intoxicated more than twice the legal limit when he was pulled over on a traffic violation near Baldwin and Waldon about 2:30 a.m. Sept. 27. The man, who was arrested and jailed, told the officer he’d consumed eight to nine beers.

A woman living in the 3600 block of Mill Creek Drive filed a police report Sept. 28 after discovering someone stole all four center hubcaps off her vehicle over night.

Deputies in Orion Township transported a golden retriever to Animal Control Sept. 28 after discovering the animal had apparently been abandoned in a house’locked inside a cage with no food or water, and no room to lie down’after the owners left the home in the 2300 block of Hammerslea Road. A neighbor, who told deputies the home is now owned by the bank, said the family had not been seen at the home in about three days.

A man living on Parakeet Hill Drive reported someone stole his 1998 white Pontiac transporter van’with keys left in the ignition’from his driveway.

An Orion Township man living on Forest Lake Boulevard called police Sept. 29 after waking to discover someone smashed mirrors on his vehicles overnight.

The sales manager at a car dealership on Lapeer Road called police Sept. 30 after a man took a 2008 Yukon out for a test-drive and never returned. The manager said the man provided a name and driver’s license, but deputies determined the driver’actually a 54-year-old Detroit man’was using an alias.

Orion Township deputies responded to a residential burglary in the 3500 block of Gregory Road Sept. 30 after the homeowner reported someone kicked in the back door of the garage, unplugged the electric fence and entered the home. Missing items included money, jewelry, and other belongings.

LO Police Log
Monday, September 14, family trouble reported on Hauxwell.
Traffic hazard reported at Hauxwell and Flint Street.
Animal complaint reported on Highland.
Ordinance violation observed on Bellevue.
Abandoned vehicle reported on Bridge Street.
Ordinance violation observed on Bridge Street.

Tuesday, September 15, abandoned vehicle reported on Orion Road.
Ordinance violation observed on North Shore.
Suspicious circumstances, family trouble reported on Atwater. Resident reported trouble with daughter and granddaughter.
Suspicious person reported in Children’s Park.

Wednesday, September 16, parking complaint reported on Park Court. Vehicle parked in roadway. Ticket issued.
Reckless driver reported on N. Andrews Street.
Ordinance violation observed on Bridge Street.
Ordinance violation observed on S. Broadway.
Private property accident reported on N. Park Boulevard.
Suspicious vehicle reported on Darling Drive. Vehicle driving around bus stop at Flint and Andrews Streets.
Hit and run accident reported at M-24 and Atwater.
Suspicious person reported on dock at Green’s Park
Lost identification cards reported.
Cell phone stolen in Atwater Park.
Suspicious vehicle reported on Elizabeth Street.

Thursday, September 17, suspicious person reported on Flint Street. Subject taking photos of Flint Street business.
Suspicious person reported on S. Broadway.
Ordinance violation reported on Hauxwell.
Warrant arrest made
Road hazard reported at Perry and Bagley Streets. Debris in roadway.

Friday, September 18, accident reported at M-24 and Heights Road.
Accident reported on Shadbolt.
Accidental property damage reported on S. Broadway.
Suspicious circumstances reported on E. Jackson Street. Two subjects lingering.
Loud noise reported on Orion Road. Group of people in parking lot making noise.

Saturday, September 19, suspicious circumstances reported at a S. Broadway business. Door open.
Suspicious circumstances reported on Central.
Animal complaint reported on North Shore. Dogs barking.
Police responded to a burglar alarm on N. Axford. All clear.
Suspicious circumstances reported. Resident reports stolen bicycle now located on S. Anderson Street. Bike confiscated by police.
Road hazard reported on M-24. Barrels in roadway.
Neighbor problem reported on Algene. Threats from neighbor.
Suspicious circumstances reported on S. Broadway.

Sunday, September 20, suspicious person reported on S. Broadway. Subject unwanted in business.
Arrest made on Front Street for urinating in public.
Arrest made for operating while intoxicated on M-24.
Road hazard reported on N. Axford. Large hold in roadway.
Keys and key strap found at Atwater and Newton.

All of the above information is on file at the Lake Orion Village Police Department.

Fire Calls
Monday, September 14, station# 2 responded to a fire alarm on Silverbell Road.
Station #2 responded to a personal injury accident, roll-over at M-24 and Scripps Road.

Wednesday, September 16, stations #3 and 4 investigated burning odors on Baldwin Road.

Friday, September 18, station #2 responded to a fire alarm on Chestnut Circle.
Sunday, September 20, station #3 responded to a carbon monoxide alarm on Canoe Circle.

The Lake Orion Fire Department has responded to 1,091 fire and emergency calls thus far in 2009.

Shot in the hand
Orion Township Deputies responded to Crittenton Hospital to investigate a gunshot injury Sept. 21. A 21-year-old man reported he was home alone and heard sounds’which he described as thumping, and ‘weird noises like someone was killing cats?’coming from the basement of his home in the 1200 block of Ridgeview Circle. The man told deputies he retrieved a .22 caliber handgun before going to check the source of the noise, and accidentally fired the gun, striking his index finger, when his cat jumped from the basement and startled him. The injury was consistent with the victim’s statement; deputies recovered the gun at the scene.

Driver drove into door
An Orion Township man called police Sept 21 after discovering someone drove a vehicle into his garage door on Burniah Drive, causing extensive damage.
A woman who was house sitting on Bluebird Hill Drive called police Sept. 20 after returning to the home after a party in Detroit to find laptop, video game system, iPod, cell phone, and other items missing from the home. Deputies noted a screen in one of the rooms had apparently been pried open.

Mom & dad might be mad
A 17-year-old Orion Township female was cited for disorderly person after police responded to reports of underage drinking at a home on Voorheis Lake Court. Deputies looked though a window and observed teens drinking, but got no response when knocking on the door. When an officer finally entered the home through an unlocked doorwall, he discovered teens hiding in closets, locked bathrooms, under blankets and in various other locations around the home. The homeowner’s daughter told police her parents were out of town and couldn’t be reached because they were sleeping. She was told to have them call the officer when they returned. Other kids were release to their parents on the scene.

Busted by BB
A 52-year-old resident living in the 2600 block of Buckner Road in Orion Township called police Sept. 19 after discovering someone shot out the back window of his van with a BB gun overnight.
A 28-year-old Orion Township man was arrested and jailed on domestic violence charges after a fight with his father became physical. The incident occurred on Laird Road.

Knows American rights!
A 37-year-old man in the country illegally told deputies ‘I know my rights, I don’t have to answer you? after he was pulled over on a traffic violation in Orion Township and questioned about where he was born when an officer suspected the man might be illegal. The man could not produce proof of registration or insurance for his vehicle, but was in possession of Mexican Consular identification. The deputy contacted ICE, who authorized detention of the man.

Deputy Reports
Monday, August 17, illegal entry–immigration–arrest made at Brown and Joslyn roads.
Wednesday, August 19, shoplifting arrest made at the Kroger
Shoplifting arrest made at Kohl’s on Baldwin Road.
Larceny from vehicle reported on Millcrest Drive. Electronic devices missing from automobiles.
Felony warrant arrest reported on Flint Street.
Damage to property reported on Sunrise Circle. Tires slashed on vehicle.
Larceny from vehicle reported on Wellview Court. Stereo and four CDs missing.
Larceny from vehicle reported on Millcrest Court. Wallet and GPS system missing.
Larceny from vehicle reported on Millcrest Drive. Stereo and speakers missing.
Friday, August 21, breaking and entering reported on Redroot Road. Sliding glass doors displayed signs of being pried open. Necklaces and rings missing from house.
Breaking and entering reported on Sequoia. Jewelry and $300 in Chinese money missing.
K-9 unit assist in Farmington Hills.
Larceny from vehicle reported on Porteous Drive. Purse and iPod missing.
Family trouble reported on Grafton Street.
Saturday, August 22, felony warrant arrest made at Baldwin and Waldon Roads.
Larceny reported on Flintridge Street.
Sunday, August 23, family trouble reported on Buckhorn.

All of the above information is on file at the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department Orion Substation.

LO Police Log
Monday, August 17, police responded to a burglar alarm on W. Shadbolt.
Animal complaint reported on Bridge Street. Dog loose.
Abandoned vehicle reported on S. Broadway.
Two accidents reported at M-24 and Atwater.
Police responded to a burglar alarm on W. Flint Street.
Two juveniles skateboarding resulting in arrests at Children’s Park.
Juvenile complaint reported on S. Anderson and Front Streets.
Tuesday, August 18, police responded to a burglar alarm at a N. Park Boulevard business.
Police responded to a burglar alarm at a S. Broadway business.
Suspicious person reported at a S. Broadway business.
Juvenile complaint reported in Atwater Park. Youth riding bikes.
Wednesday, August 19, suspicious person reported on Atwater. Subject trying to get into residence.
Suspicious circumstances reported on W. Flint Street. Vehicle taken without permission, money missing.
Abandoned vehicle reported on S. Broadway.
Abandoned vehicle reported on Atwater.
Ordinance violation observed on Atwater.
Larceny reported on E. Flint Street. Boyfriend took cell phone.
Ordinance violation observed at Flint and Anderson Streets.
Warrant arrest made.
Possession of narcotics reported at S. Broadway and Atwater Terrace.
Thursday, August 20, ordinance violation observed on Algene.
Friday, August 21, arrest made at M-24 and Clarkston Road.
Suspicious vehicle reported at a S. Broadway business.
Abandoned vehicle reported on Atwater.
‘Many? ordinance violations observed at a Newton residence.
Suspicious person reported on W. Flint Street.
Suspicious circumstances reported at a S. Broadway business.
Saturday, August 22, ordinance violation observed at Highland and Bellevue. Children playing baseball in parking lot.
Suspicious person reported on Evergreen Trail.
Civil complaint reported on Longpointe. Children playing baseball in parking lot.
Sunday, August 23, threats reported at a W. Flint Street business.
Suspicious vehicle reported at a S. Broadway business.
Arrest made for violation parole at M-24 and Heights Road.
Arrest made for possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia at a W. Flint Street business.
Parking complaint reported on Central.
Harassment reported at a S. Broadway business.
Noise complaint reported on Converse. Loud music.

All of the above information is on file at the Lake Orion Village Police Department.

Fire Calls
Tuesday, August 18, station #1 responded to a camper fire on Highlander Street.
Wednesday, August 19, station #3 responded to a fire alarm on W. Scripps Road.
Station #3 responded to a personal injury accident at Waldon and Baldwin Roads.
Friday, August 21, stations #1, 2 and 3 responded to a dryer fire on Elmy Drive.
Station #2 responded to a fire alarm on Interpark.
Station #3 responded to a low wire on Jamm.
Station #1 responded to a gas line break on Harding.
Saturday, August 22, station #3 investigated odor reports on Baldwin.
Sunday, August 23, station #2 responded to a personal injury accident at Greenshield and M-24.

The Lake Orion Fire Department has responded to 1,011 fire and emergency calls thus far in 2009.

Monday, August 10, Larceny from vehicle reported on Valleyview. Bike, GPS system and cell phone missing from vehicle.

Tuesday, August 11, shoplifting arrest reported at the Kroger on Baldwin Road.
Misdemeanor arrest reported at Lapeer and Atwater.
Felonious assault arrest reported on Kinmount Street.

Wednesday, August 12, misdemeanor warrant arrest reported at Judah and Baldwin roads.
Larceny from automobile reported on Lakeshore Boulevard. Cell phone and two watches missing.

Thursday, August 13, identity theft reported at Oneida Trail.
Operating under the influence of alcohol arrest reported at Lapeer and Clarkston roads.
Larceny reported on Baldwin Road. Pistol missing from home.

Friday, August 14, Friend of the Court warrant arrest reported in Highland Park.
Operating under the influence of alcohol arrest reported at Alexander’s Car Wash.

Saturday, August 15, breaking and entering reported on Allendale. Four beers stolen from garage refrigerator.
Domestic violence arrest reported on Cardinal Hill.

Sunday, August 16, larceny from automobile reported on Pleasant View. License plate missing from car.
Larceny from vehicle reported on Long Lake Boulevard. The back window was smashed out on the vehicle, and a duffel bad was rummaged through. A one-hundred dollar bill was missing from the center console.
Damage to property reported on Pontiac Drive. Windshield broken on vehicle by rock.
Breaking and entering reported on Cedar Key. Television missing.

All of the above information is on file at the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department Orion Substation.
LO Police Log
Monday, August 10, suspicious person reported at a S. Broadway business. Possibly drunk.
Arrest for operating while intoxicated made on Orion Road.
Police responded to a burglar alarm at a N. Lapeer Street business.
Traffic hazard reported on M-24. Vehicle stopped in roadway.
Hit and run accident reported at Elizabeth Street and N. Park Boulevard.
Suspicious circumstances reported, leading to an arrest for disorderly conduct. Husband and wife in escalating disagreement.
Warrant arrest made.

Tuesday, August 11, two warrant arrests made.
Abandoned vehicle reported on S. Broadway.
Fraud reported on E. Flint Street.
Two ordinance violations reported on E. Jackson street.
Family trouble reported on North Shore.
Juvenile complaint reported at Children’s Park. Skateboarders on gazebo.
Larceny of gasoline reported at a S. Broadway business.

Wednesday, August 12, suspicious circumstances reported on Detroit Avenue.
Family trouble reported on Newton. Father and son in verbal dispute. Son claims father hit girlfriend’s car with broom.
Abandoned vehicle reported on N. Axford Street.
Abandoned vehicle reported on North Shore.
Abandoned vehicle reported on Lake Street.
Ordinance violation observed on S. Broadway.
Family trouble reported on Bellevue.
Larceny from vehicle reported on Converse Court.
Road rage reported on M-24.
Suspicious circumstances reported on N. Lapeer Road.
Credit card fraud reported on Lookout Lane.

Thursday, August 13, police responded to a burglar alarm at a N. Lapeer Street business.
Property found on E. Flint Street.
Larceny of gasoline reported on S. Broadway.
Juvenile complaint reported on Elizabeth Street.
Family trouble reported on Lapeer Street.

Friday, August 14, larceny from vehicle reported on Central Drive.
Parking complaint reported on Central. Several vehicles parked in roadway.
Civil matter reported on E. Flint Street. Child custody issue.
Warrant arrest made.
Suspicious circumstances reported on E. Flint Street.
Suspicious circumstances reported at Bellevue and Detroit. Juveniles acting suspicious.

Saturday, August 15, arrest made for violating restricted license.
Animal complaint reported on N. Axford Street. Uncontained dog charged resident’s dog.
Disabled vehicle reported at M-24 and Atwater.
Cell phone found at Anderson and Flint Streets.
Suspicious circumstances reported at a S. Broadway business. Door open.

Sunday, August 16, family trouble reported on North Shore. Husband maliciously harmed wife’s car.
Suspicious circumstances reported on Atwater. Alarm going off in unoccupied residence.
Suspicious circumstances reported on N. Lapeer Street. Neighbor’s boyfriend trying to break down resident’s door. Arrest for disorderly conduct resulted.
Suspicious circumstances reported on N. Lapeer Street. Woman harassing officer.

All of the above information is on file at the Lake Orion Village Police Department.

Fire Calls
Monday, August 10, station #1 responded to a transformer fire on Conklin Road.

Tuesday, August 11, station #1 investigated reports of a gas odor on Heights.
Stations #1 and 4 responded to a personal injury accident at Baldwin and Heights.

Wednesday, August 12, station #2 responded to a fire alarm on W. Silverbell Road.

Friday, August 14, station #2 responded to a personal injury accident at M-24 and Waldon Road.
Station #1 responded to a carbon monoxide alarm on Hampton Wood.
Station #2 responded to an accident on Lapeer Street.

Saturday, August 15, stations #1 and 4 responded to a fire on a Polly Ann Trail bridge on Newman Road.
Station #2 responded to a burn violation on Holland.

The Lake Orion Fire Department has responded to 981 fire and emergency calls thus far in 2009.

Monday, August 3, larceny from vehicles reported on Klais Drive. Three vehicles were ransacked, but nothing was missing.
Larceny from vehicle reported on Rolling Hills Road. Laptop and iPod missing.

Tuesday, August 4, shoplifting arrest reported at the Hollywood Market on Lapeer Road.

Wednesday, August 5, embezzlement reported on Lapeer Road.
Malicious destruction of property reported on Joslyn Road. A house was allegedly vandalized. According to police reports: ‘Almost every window in the house had been broken out. Door walls had been smashed. Drywall had been torn off the studs and broken up. Interior doors had been removed from their hinges and broken in half. The sink had been torn out in the bathroom. Broken glass was throughout the house.?
Family trouble reported on Tweed Lane.
Larceny from vehicle reported on Franklin Wright Boulevard.
Damage to property reported on Elmhurst Circle. The air was let out of two tires on a vehicle.

Thursday, August 6, damage to property reported at Baldwin and Gregory roads. Motorist said he was driving northbound on Baldwin when a suspect or suspects in a vehicle travelling southbound threw what looked like a bottle at his car, cracking the windshield.
Larceny arrest reported at Pine Tree and Heights Road.
Suspicious circumstances reported on Brown Road.
Felony arrest warrant reported on Broadway and Heights.

Friday, August 7, driving with a suspended license reported at Lapeer and Clarkston roads.
Larceny reported on S. Lapeer Road. Complainant said he came home from being out-of-town to find his trailer and boat missing.
Damage to property reported at Eaton Gate Drive. Lewd images spray-painted on garage door.
Friend of the Court warrant arrest reported on Lapeer Road.

Saturday, August 8, rabid raccoon put down by officer on Sparrow Hill Drive.
Vehicle theft reported on Kimberly.
Operating under the influence of alcohol arrest reported at Maybee and Ashley.

Sunday, August 9, assault and battery arrest reported on Grafton Street.
Larceny from vehicle reported at the Kroger on Lapeer Road. Oxycodone missing from glove box.
Damage to property reported on River Valley Drive. A bicycle was found amid broken eggs.
All of the above information is on file at the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department Orion Substation.

LO Police Log
Monday, August 3, animal complaint reported on Highland. Resident reported male subject tied dog to a tree, then left.
Accident reported on M-24.
Suspicious vehicle reported at an E. Flint Street business. Vehicle parked in lot usually only used during the day.

Tuesday, August 4, ordinance violation observed on N. Lapeer Street.
Family trouble reported on W. Flint Street. Couple fighting, intoxicated husband locked outside.
Noise complaint reported on North Shore. Loud music at a business.
Traffic complaint reported on North Shore. Vehicles in roadway.
Suspicious circumstances reported on North Shore.

Wednesday, August 5, suspicious circumstances reported on W. Flint Street. Village light pole broken.
Ordinance violation observed on W. Church Street.
Abandoned trailer reported at Central and Barron.
Private property accident reported on N. Park Boulevard.
Suspicious circumstances reported on E. Flint Street.
Family trouble reported on W. Flint Street. Man reports wife took keys, won’t give them back or let him inside.

Thursday, August 6, ordinance violation observed on Lakeview.
Ordinance violation observed on Victoria Island. Suspicious circumstances, disorderly conduct, possible assault reported on W. Flint Street.
Warrant arrest made.
Suspicious circumstances reported on E. Jackson. Subjects by bus garage.

Friday, August 7, operating while intoxicated arrest made on Bellevue.
Three ordinance violations observed on S. Broadway.
Ordinance violation observed on N. Park Boulevard.
Ordinance violation observed on E. Flint Street.
Animal complaint reported on Highland. Dog loose.
Ordinance violation observed. Amplified music at a S. Broadway business.

Saturday, August 8, arrest for absconding parole made at M-24 business.
Suspicious circumstances reported on Atwater. Male subject attempting to gain entry to apartment.
Larceny reported on E. Shadbolt. Bicycle taken.
Ordinance violation observed on E. Jackson Street.

Sunday, August 9, suspicious person reported on Smith Court.
Road rage reported on M-24.
Property damage reported on Bagley.
Accident reported on Orion Road.
Parking complaint reported on Oak Lane.
Malicious destruction of property reported on E. Jackson Street. Window broken.
Police responded to a burglar alarm at an M-24 business.
Accident reported at Broadway and Heights.
Suspicious circumstances reported at a business at Flint and Florence Streets.
Police responded to a burglar alarm at a N. Park Boulevard business.
All of the above information is on file at the Lake Orion Village Police Department.

Fire Calls
Thursday, August 6, stations #3 and 4 investigated smoke on Barn Meadow Court.

Saturday, August 8, station #1 responded to a personal injury accident on Clarkston Road.
Station #1 responded to a pole fire and arcing wires on Allen Drive.
Station #1 responded to a gas main rupture on Bellevue.
Station #3 investigated a burning odor on Cedar Key.

Sunday, August 2, station #1 responded to downed wires on Conklin Road.
Station #1 responded to a carbon monoxide alarm on Summit Boulevard.
Station #1 responded to downed wires on Orion Road.
Station #1 responded to a tree on wires on Long Lake Boulevard.
Station #1 responded to a personal injury accident at Indianwood and Central Roads.
Station #2 responded to a transformer and wire fire on Gorlad.
Station #3 responded to a tree and wire fire on Joslyn Court.
Station #1 responded to a tree and wire fire on Sherry.
The Lake Orion Fire Department has responded to 954 fire and emergency calls thus far in 2009.

Deputy Reports
Monday, July 27, breaking and entering reported on Cline Court.
Disorderly conduct reported on Kinmount Street.
Damage to property reported at Friendship Park. Vulgar graffiti written on playscape in marker.

Tuesday, July 28, marijuana arrests reported on Conklin Drive and Miller Road.
Felonious assault arrest reported on Starling Hill Drive. A man allegedly tried stabbing a woman.
Larceny from vehicle reported on Judah Road. Generator missing from bed of pick-up truck.

Wednesday, July 29, larceny from vehicle reported on Huntington. Emblems missing from two vehicles.
Damage to property reported on Wellsley Court. Car spray-painted.
Assault and battery reported on Aspen Trail.
Damage to property reported on Heights and Pine Tree. Rock thrown at vehicle.
Breaking and entering reported on High Pointe Ridge Drive. Sony Play Station 2 and ring missing.

Thursday, July 30, breaking and entering reported at Sparrow Hill Drive. Television missing.
Fraud, illegal use of a credit card, reported at the Orion sub-station. Person came into station claiming purchases were made on his credit card in Georgia.
Larceny from vehicle reported on Parkland Road. Among the items missing: golf bag, golf clubs, phone charger, rain suit and laser range finder.
Breaking and entering reported on Cedar Key. Golf clubs missing.
Larceny from vehicle reported on Mariday. Two electric razors and three CDs missing from vehicle.

Friday, July 31, zero tolerance arrest reported on Orion and Grampian. Underage driver under the influence of alcohol and marijuana drove vehicle into swamp.
Operating under the influence of alcohol arrest reported at Baldwin and Clarkston roads.

Saturday, August 1, breaking and entering reported on Indianwood Road. Bike missing.
Breaking and entering reported on Brown Road. One can of Busch Light beer missing from office trailer.
Disorderly conduct arrest reported on S. Lapeer and Waldon roads. Underage passengers in vehicle were intoxicated.

Sunday, August 2, larceny from vehicle reported on Tall Oaks. Laptop missing from vehicle was subsequently turned in to the Holly Police Department by a computer repair serviceman.
Lost property reported on Indian Lake and Lapeer roads. Missing driver’s license.

All of the above information is on file at the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department Orion Substation.

LO Police Log
Monday, July 27, suspicious circumstances reported in Atwater Commons.
Private property accident reported at a W. Shadbolt business.
Suspicious circumstances reported. $60 taken from wallet during medical emergency at bank.
Ordinance violation observed on Bridge Street.
Ordinance violation observed on Newton.
Arrest for disorderly conduct made at a S. Broadway business. Arrest resulted from malicious destruction of property when subject kicked out a police vehicle window.
Suspicious circumstances reported on W. Flint Street. Disturbance behind business.
Suspicious circumstances reported on Atwater. Medications missing.

Tuesday, July 28, suspicious circumstances reported on Orion Road. Construction cone lodged underneath vehicle.
Malicious destruction of property reported on E. Jackson. Window broken.

Wednesday, July 29, malicious destruction of property reported on W. Flint Street. Spray paint on vehicle.
Larceny reported on Lookout Lane.
Larceny from vehicle reported at Flint Street and N. Broadway.
Juvenile complaint reported on S. Broadway. Woman reported four boys ran up to her car, shouted obscenities at her and her five-year-old son.
Suspicious circumstances reported on Bellevue. Vehicle damaged.

Thursday, July 30, suspicious circumstances reported on E. Shadbolt.
Ordinance violation observed on North Shore.
Ordinance violation observed on N. Andrews.
Larceny from boat reported on N. Park Boulevard. License plate taken.
Ordinance violation observed in Atwater Commons.
Traffic complaint reported on Atwater.
Five traffic citations issued on Atwater.
Accident reported on M-24.

Friday, July 31, suspicious circumstances reported on Bellevue.
Ordinance violation observed on Newton.
Traffic complaint reported on W. Flint Street.
Accident reported on S. Broadway.
Threats and intimidation reported on E. Flint Street.
Suspicious circumstances reported on Orion Road.
Malicious destruction of property reported on E. Jackson. Window broken.
Suspicious circumstances reported on E. Jackson.

Saturday, August 1, suspicious circumstances reported on S. Broadway. Door open.
Disorderly conduct, urinating in public reported on Front Street.
Accident reported on E. Flint Street.
Suspicious circumstances reported on Bellevue. Resident heard someone yelling for help.
Family trouble reported on Bellevue.
Suspicious circumstances reported on S. Broadway. Woman yelling profanities.
Accident reported on S. Broadway.
Warrant arrest made.

Sunday, August 2, arrest made for driving with suspended license on M-24.
Police responded to a burglar alarm on S. Broadway.

All of the above information is on file at the Lake Orion Village Police Department.

Fire Calls
Tuesday, July 28, station #2 responded to a fire alarm on Premier Drive.

Thursday, July 27, station #2 responded to a personal injury accident on Brown Road.

Friday, July 31, station #1 responded to a personal injury accident on Orion Road.
Station #1 investigated reports of smoke on W. Flint Street.

Saturday, August 1, stations #1, 2, 3 and 4 responded to a structure fire on N. Conklin.

The Lake Orion Fire Department has responded to 906 fire and emergency calls thus far in 2009.

Deputy Reports
Monday, July 20, misdemeanor arrest warrant reported on Park View.

Tuesday, July 21, shoplifting reported at the Ulta on Baldwin Road.
Larceny from automobile reported on Wheatfield Court.
Fraud-illegal use of credit card–reported on Ash.
Larceny from vehicle reported on Shrewsbury. Keys missing.
Illegal entry–immigration–arrest reported at Lapeer and Clarkston roads.

Wednesday, July 22, breaking and entering reported on Key West Court. Laptop missing.
Parole violation reported at the Kohl’s on Baldwin Road.
Lost property reported on American Elm Street. Missing ring.
Embezzlement reported at the Dunham’s on S. Lapeer Road.

Thursday, July 23, operating under the influence of alcohol arrest reported at Lapeer Road and Hiram Street.
Operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol arrest reported at Maybee and Rohr roads.
Disorderly conduct arrest reported on Brown Road.

Friday, July 24, suspicious circumstances reported on Waldon Road.
Welfare check reported on Popular Road.

Saturday, July 25, Friend of the Court arrest reported in Wixom.
Operating under the influence of alcohol arrest reported at Squirrel and Silverbell roads.
Assault and battery reported on Huston Drive.
Possession of marijuana arrests (12) reported on Kimberly.

Sunday, July 26, breaking and entering reported on Elmy Drive. Gas generator valued at $6,000 missing from storage shed.
Illegal entry–immigration–arrest reported at Brown and Lapeer roads.
Damage to property at Shadow Creek and Acadia. Windshield on SUV allegedly

LO Police Log
Monday, July 20, ordinance violation observed on Detroit Avenue.
Suspicious circumstances reported at Atwater and Broadway.
Juvenile complaint reported. Three youths biking and skateboarding in Children’s Park. One civil infraction ticket issued.
Warrant arrest made.
Ordinance violation observed on E. Shadbolt. Tree limb on phone cable.
Suspicious circumstances reported on E. Shadbolt.
Road hazard reported. Trash can in roadway.

Tuesday, July 21, ordinance violation observed on E. Jackson Street.
Road hazard reported at M-24 and Shadbolt. Disabled vehicle in roadway.
Suspicious circumstances reported on Hauxwell.

Wednesday, July 22, suspicious circumstances reported. Subject taking things from foreclosed home.
Animal complaint reported on W. Flint Street. Subject carrying turtle.
Neighbor trouble reported on Detroit Avenue.
Animal complaint reported at Broadway and Flint Street. Five ducks in roadway.
Suspicious circumstances reported on S. Broadway. Possibly intoxicated subject in business.

Thursday, July 23, suspicious circumstances reported on Front Street. Two subjects arguing in street.
Police responded to a burglar alarm in a N. Lapeer Street business.
Ordinance violation observed on Atwater.
Friday, July 24, wallet found in a S. Broadway business.
Arrest made on Norland Street for possession of marijuana.
Private property accident reported on S. Broadway.
Civil dispute reported on N. Washington. Custody issue.
Suspicious circumstances reported on Lake Street. Subject possibly intoxicated

Saturday, July 25, operating while intoxicated arrest made at M-24 and Elizabeth Street.
Civil dispute reported on S. Broadway. Neighbor cut down resident’s tree.

Sunday, July 26, police responded to a burglar alarm at a N. Park Boulevard business.
Suspicious circumstances reported on N. Lapeer Street. Possible drug deal.
Suspicious circumstances reported on S. Broadway. Possible trespassing.

All of the above information is on file at the Lake Orion Village Police Department.

Fire Calls
Monday, July 20, station #2 responded to a fire alarm on E. Scripps Road.
Station #1 responded to a tree limb on phone cables on E. Shadbolt.
Station #1 responded to a vehicle fire at M-24 and Glansworth.
Station #3 responded to a personal injury accident at Baldwin and Judah Roads.
Station #3 responded to a smoke alarm on Waldon Road.

Tuesday, July 21, station #1 responded to a fire alarm on Hidden Valley Drive.

Wednesday, July 22, station #3 responded to a burn complaint on Gainesborough.

Thursday, July 23, station #2 responded to a personal injury accident on M-24.
Friday, July 24, station #2 responded to a personal injury accident at M-24 and Kay Industry Drive.

Saturday, July 25, station #2 responded to a fire alarm on E. Silverbell Road.
Station #2 responded to a fire alarm on E. Silverbell Road.

The Lake Orion Fire Department has responded to 871 fire and emergency calls thus far in 2009.

Deputy Reports
Monday, July 13, damage to property reported on Morgan Road.
Misdemeanor arrest warrant reported on Joslyn Road.

Tuesday, July 14, fraudulently obtaining of goods offered for sale reported on Brown Road.
Friend of the Court arrest warrant reported at Lapeer and Silverbell roads.
Felonious assault reported on Grafton Street.

Wednesday, July 15, minor in possession of alcohol arrest reported at E. Clarkston and Kern roads.
Harassing telephone calls reported on Orion Road.
Friend of the Court arrest reported at Brown and Giddings roads. Suspect wanted for possession of marijuana.
Zero tolerance–alcohol–reported at Baldwin and Gregory roads.
Warrant arrest reported at Brown and Baldwin roads.
Larceny from vehicle reported on Mountainview Road.
Operating under the influence of alcohol reported at Lapeer and Clarkston roads.

Thursday, July 16, family trouble reported on Morgan Road.
Larceny from automobile reported on Stanton Road. Camera, medications and a bag of cosmetics missing from vehicle.
Felony arrest warrant reported on Lapeer and Casemer roads. Suspect wanted for breaking and entering and felony firearm charges.
Damage to property reported on Correll. Vehicle was spray-painted.
Harassing phone calls reported on Odanah.
Intimidation reported on Shrewsbury.

Saturday, July 18, disorderly conduct arrest reported on Lapeer Road.
Larceny from vehicle reported at Baldwin and Eaton Gate.
Breaking and entering reported on Beechtree Court. Five interior doors, washer and dyer missing from empty condo.
Curfew violation arrest reported on Grafton Street.
Sunday, July 19, building check reported on S. Lapeer Road.
Larceny from vehicle reported on Baldwin Road. LCD monitor and GPS unit missing.
Suspicious circumstances reported on Holland Street.

All of the above information is on file at the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department Orion Substation.

LO Police Log
Monday, July 13, larceny from watercraft reported on Longpointe. Anchors missing off boat.
Road rage incident led to threats on S. M-24.

Tuesday, July 14, warrant arrest made.
Abandoned vehicle reported on E. Flint Street.
Ordinance violation observed on E. Church Street.
Ordinance violation observed on W. Flint Street.
Suspicious circumstances reported at Children’s Park. Inappropriate touching.
Ordinance violation observed on N. Park Boulevard.
Threats by cell phone reported on W. Flint Street from brother’s girlfriend.
Arson reported at Blanche Sims Elementary School.

Wednesday, July 15, abandoned vehicle reported on Heights.
Abandoned vehicle reported on Algene.
Threats reported on Atwater.
Identity theft reported on S. Slater.
Parking complaint reported on W. Flint Street.

Thursday, July 16, ordinance violation observed at Atwater and M-24.
Ordinance violation observed at Heights and Broadway.
Ordinance violation observed on N. Lapeer Street.
Abandoned vehicle reported on W. Church Street.
Ordinance violation observed on W. Church Street.
Suspicious circumstances reported in Children’s Park. Two children in station to report ‘big kids? throwing rocks at ducks.

Friday, July 17, animal complaint reported on Crescent. Dog found.
Suspicious circumstances reported on Orion Road.
Ordinance violation observed on N. Axford Street.
Ordinance violation observed at M-24 and Flint Street.
Accident reported near Children’s Park on Broadway.
Suspicious circumstances reported on Glenn Court. Called said 10 kids at end of street fighting.
Suspicious circumstances reported at a downtown business. Door open.

Saturday, July 18, noise complaint reported on Orion Road.
Assault reported on S. Slater.
Animal complaint reported on Oak Lane. Neighbor’s parrot constantly squawking.
Suspicious circumstances reported on Atwater.
Suspicious circumstances reported on Bagley. Caller said someone possible peeking in kitchen window. Neighbor reported a light, possibly a cigarette, under window.
Accident reported at Flint Street and M-24.
Suspicious circumstances reported on Atwater. Woman screaming.
Noise check reported on Park Island.

Sunday, July 19, police responded to burglar alarm on S. Broadway.

All of the above information is on file at the Lake Orion Village Police Department.

Fire Calls
Wednesday, July 13, station #1 responded to a bicycle and car accident on M-24.
Station #1 responded to a carbon alarm.
Stations #3 and 4 responded to a personal injury accident at Indianwood Road and Baldwin Court.
Friday, July 14, station #3 responded to a burn complaint on Homesite.
Station #1 responded to a recycling bin fire at Blanche Sims Elementary School.
Station #3 responded to a structure fire at Sycamore Creek apartments.
Station #3 responded to a vehicle fire on S. Baldwin Road.

Thursday, July 16, station #1 responded to a bicycle and car accident on M-24.

Friday, July 17, station #3 responded to a burn complaint on Homesite.
Stations #3 and 4 responded to a personal injury accident at Baldwin Road and Baldwin Court.

Saturday, July 18, station #1 responded to a personal injury accident at Clarkston Road and M-24.
Stations #1 and 4 responded to a fire in the woods on Joslyn.

The Lake Orion Fire Department has responded to 835 fire and emergency calls thus far in 2009.

Monday, July 6, disorderly conduct arrest reported at Joslyn and Waldon roads. Public intoxication.
Discharge of weapon by officer at Blasser and Calais drives. Rabid skunk put to sleep.
Discharge of a weapon by officer. Patrol car hit deer and officer put it to sleep.
Tuesday, July 7, larceny reported at Torrey Pine Court. Cell phone missing.
Larceny reported at Torrey Pine Court. GPS unit missing.
Driving with a suspended license reported at Lapeer and Heights roads.
Wednesday, July 8, friend of the court arrest warrant reported at Baldwin and Brown roads.
Illegal entry–immigration–arrest reported at Silverbell and Villager.
Structure fire reported at Huston Drive.
Damage to property reported on Joslyn Road. Vehicle window broken out.
Disorderly conduct arrest reported at the Speedway gas station.
Felony arrest warrant reported on Semloh Street. Suspect wanted on drug charges.
Trespassing arrests reported at Squirrel and Dutton roads. ‘Stargazing? suspects were drinking wine at a township park still under construction. Vehicle parked in an ‘authorized vehicle only? area. Suspects were lying on their backs watching the stars, according to police reports.
Thursday, July 9, shoplifting arrest reported at the Kroger on Lapeer Road. Suspect tried stealing an orange and a package of sushi. Marijuana also found on the suspect.
Breaking and entering reported on Aspen Trail. Laptop missing.
Friend of the Court warrant arrest reported at Sunrise Circle.
Friday, July 10, welfare check reported on Sandoval.
Domestic assault and operating while intoxicated arrests reported at E. Silverbell and Lapeer roads.
Harassing phone calls reported on Westlyn Drive.
Felony arrest warrant reported at Walmsley Circle.
Suspect wanted for felony possession of marijuana.
Breaking and entering reported on Mockingbird Drive. Victim stated her house had been broken into and ransacked, according to police reports. ‘Most cabinets and drawers were opened. Clothing and toys were thrown all over the floor. The couches and kids? rooms were torn apart. A purse was taken off the refrigerator and thrown apart on the table. (Victim’s) closet had been rifled through and her drawer to her dresser was taken out and gone through,? the report said. Missing were two rings and a jar of change.
Saturday, July 11, family trouble reported on Mayer Court.
Damage to property reported on Kimberly. Dented driver’s side door on vehicle.
Felony arrest warrant reported in Holly.
Sunday, July 12, runaway reported on Elmhurst Circle.

All of the above information is on file at the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department Orion Substation.

LO Police Log
Monday, July 6, fireworks complaint reported on W. Flint Street.
Abandoned vehicle reported on North Shore.
Ordinance violation observed on S. Broadway.
Abandoned boat reported on Lookout Lane.
Three ordinance violations observed on S. Broadway.
Abandoned vehicle reported on S. Broadway.
Accident reported at Atwater and M-24.
Civil matter reported on Hauxwell. Resident has trouble with in-law.
Disorderly arrest made on Heights. Injuries due to stabbing also reported.
Suspicious vehicle reported behind M-24 business.
Tuesday, July 7, purse found at a S. Broadway business.
Police responded to a burglar alarm on N. Lapeer Street.
Loud noise reported at S. Broadway business.
Two ordinance violations observed on N. Axford Street.
Two ordinance violations observed on N. Andrews.
Larceny from vehicle reported from a S. Broadway business. Prescription drugs taken.
Wednesday, July 8, suspicious circumstances reported on E. Jackson Street. Possible larceny.
Malicious destruction of property reported on Lookout Lane.
Suspicious circumstances and warrant arrest reported on W. Elizabeth Street.
Warrant arrest made.
Police responded to a burglar alarm at a S. Broadway business.
Thursday, July 9, suspicious circumstances reported on N. Lapeer Street. Resident’s door keeps getting unlocked, nothing taken from residence.
Suspicious circumstances reported on S. Broadway.
Suspicious circumstances reported at Lake and Flint Streets. Possible fireworks.
Suspicious circumstances reported on Smith Court.
Suspicious circumstances reported on S. Broadway. Subject knocking on apartment door.
Juvenile arrest made on N. Axford Street.
Malicious destruction of property reported at W. Church Street business.
Friday, July 10, police responded to a burglar alarm at a S. Broadway business.
Suspicious circumstances reported. Chalk graffitti on sidewalk.
Larceny from vehicle reported on Evergreen Trail. GPS unit taken.
Ordinance violation observed on Bellevue.
Traffic complaint reported. Garbage truck in roadway blocking traffic at M-24 and Atwater.
Suspicious circumstances reported. Juveniles took soft drinks from S. Broadway business without paying.
Personal property accident reported on S. Broadway.
Police inspected noise level at a S. Broadway business. Music ordered to cease.
Saturday, July 11, capsized boat reported on Park Island Drive.
Accident reported on S. Broadway.
Suspicious circumstances reported on Bellevue. Subject violating restraining order.
Fireworks reported on Park Island.
Abandoned vehicle reported on S. Broadway.
Sunday, July 12, suspicious circumstances reported on Smith Court. Subjects peeping into and banging on windows.
Suspicious circumstances reported at Bellevue and Highland. Door open.
Suspicious circumstances reported at M-24 and Flint Street. Subject out of control in vehicle, possible drug overdose.
Juvenile complaint reported at a S. Broadway business. Five to six youths causing trouble.
Police responded to a burglar alarm on N. Broadway.

All of the above information is on file at the Lake Orion Village Police Department.

Fire Calls
Wednesday, July 8, stations #1, 2, 3 and 4 responded to a structure fire on Huston Drive. Bedroom on fire.
Station #2 responded to a fire alarm on M-24.
Stations #3 and 4 responded to a motorcycle personal injury accident at Klais and Hawksmoore.
Friday, July 10, station #2 responded to a fire alarm on E. Silverbell Road.
Station #1 responded to a burn complaint on Forest Lake Boulveard.
Saturday, July 11, station #3 responded to a personal injury accident on Joslyn and Brown Roads.
Sunday, July 12, station #3 responded to a burn complaint on Hill.

The Lake Orion Fire Department has responded to 803 fire and emergency calls thus far in 2009.

Deputy Reports
Monday, June 1, aggravated, felonious assault reported at Lapeer and Clarkston roads.
Operating under the influence of drugs arrest at Lapeer and Brown roads.
Operating under the influence of alcohol arrest reported at Lapeer and Clarkston roads.
Rear-end accident reported at Baldwin and Maybee roads.
Rear-end accident reported at Baldwin and Clarkston roads.
Rear-end accident reported at Lapeer and Brown roads.
Rear-end accident reported at Brown and Baldwin roads.
Rear-end accident reported at Lapeer and Clarkston roads.
Vehicle and bike accident reported at Indianwood and Lapeer.
Tuesday, June 2, possession of heroin and counterfeit money arrest during traffic stop reported at Baldwin and Brown roads.
Intimidation reported at Aspen Trail.
Larceny from vehicle reported at N. Long Lake Boulevard. iPod missing from truck.
Family trouble reported at Fisherman’s Cove.
Lost property reported on Cline Court.
Larceny from grounds reported on Lapeer Road.
Wednesday, June 3, shoplifting arrest reported at Kohl’s on Baldwin Road.
Lost property reported on Shrewbury. Passport missing.
Breaking and entering reported on Crestmont.
Breaking and entering reported at Bald Mountain Golf Course on Kern Road. Nine bags of empty beer and pop cans missing from storage shed.
Warrant arrest reported on I-75.
Larceny from vehicle reported at the Taco Bell on Lapeer Road. Two school books and a yearbook missing.
Larceny from vehicle reported on Coats Road. Twenty dollars missing from purse.
Larceny from vehicle reported on Coats Road. iPod missing from gym bag. Bag found rifled through in front yard.
Larceny from vehicle reported at Sensor Developments Inc. on Silverbell Road.
Operating under the influence of alcohol arrest reported at Lapeer and Clarkston roads.
Rear-end accident reported at Baldwin and Brown.
Car accident reported at Baldwin and Brown roads.
Car accident reported at Lapeer and Scripps roads.
Rear-end accident reported at Silverbell and Lapeer.
Thursday, June 4, noise ordinance violation issued and possible illegal entry–immigration–reported on Parakeet Hill Drive.
Larceny from vehicle reported on Ridge View Circle.
Felony warrant arrest reported on Villager.
Friday, June 5, K-9 building search reported at Renfrew.
Larceny from vehicle reported on Glacier Drive. License plate missing.
Burglary reported on Joslyn Road.
Shoplifting arrest reported at Kohl’s on Baldwin Road.
Operating while under the influence of alcohol arrest at Bald Mountain and Silverbell roads.
Welfare check reported on Minton Circle.
Friend of the Court arrest reported at Lapeer and Brown roads.
Side-swipe car accident reported at Heights and Sherry.
Saturday, June 6, disorderly conduct arrest reported on Heights and Lapeer roads.
Family trouble reported at Elmhurst Circle.
Rear-end accident reported at Joslyn and Brown roads.
Car accident at Clarkston and Parkview.
Single motor vehicle accident reported at Lapeer and Hiram.
Single motor vehicle accident reported at Lapeer and Scripps.
Sunday, June 7, breaking and entering reported on Lance Street.
Rear-end accident reported at Brown and Joslyn.
Rear-end accident reported at Scripps and Marie.
Single motor vehicle accident reported at Washington and Jackson.
Single motor vehicle accident reported at Heights and Sherry.
Side-swipe accident reported at Joslyn and Heights.
All of the above information is on file at the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department Orion Substation.

LO Police Log
Monday, June 1, garbage complaint reported on Bellevue.
Harassment reported on S. Broadway.
Accident reported at a S. Broadway business.
Animal complaint reported at Highland and Bellevue. Dog neglected and abandoned.
Tuesday, June 2, abandoned vehicle reported on S. Broadway.
Suspicious person reported on Victoria Island.
Suspicious circumstances reported at a E. Flint Street business. Water running down parking lot.
Suspicious circumstances reported on Hauxwell. Lawn mowed while resident away.
Suspicious person reported at a Flint Street business.
Police responded to three calls on possible assault and battery at a S. Broadway business.
Wednesday, June 3, suspicious circumstances reported on Elizabeth Street.
Accident reported at Shadbolt and Broadway.
Supicious circumstances reported in Children’s Park. Boys throwing rocks at ducks, trying to catch them.
Thursday, June 4, death investigation reported on Shadbolt.
Warrant arrest made.
Accident reported on S. Broadway.
Juvenile complaint reported on W. Church Street. Skaters in business parking lot.
Suspicious circumstances reported on North Shore. Yelling and aruging.
Suspicious circumstances reported on E. Shadbolt.
Animal complaint reported on North Shore. Dog barking.
Friday, June 5, suspicious circumstances reported on Lookout Lane.
Ordinance violation observed on Paek Island.
Warrant arrest made.
Suspicious circumstances reported on S. Broadway. Business’s garage door open.
Dog found at Flint and Broadway.
Police checked noise level at a S. Broadway business.
Suspicious circumstances reported on Glenn Street. Vehicle speeding.
Saturday, June 6, arrest made at Heights and Snug Harbor. Subject’s second opperating while intoxicated offense.
Harassment reported at Lake Orion business.
Larceny reported on E. Shadbolt.
Parking complaint reported on Bellevue. Neighbor parking on resident’s property.
Police responded to a burglar alarm at a Chuch Street business.
Warrant arrest made.
Suspicious circumstances reported on Hauxwell. Four youth looking into parked cars.
Arrest made for resisting an officer.
Sunday, June 7, accident reported at Washington and Jackson Streets.
Suspicious circumstances reported on E. Shadbolt.
Suspicious person reported at a S. Broadway business.
Bicycle larceny reported.
Suspicious circumstances reported at a S. Broadway business.
Animal complaint reported on Perry Street. Dead duck in parking lot.
Bicycle larceny reported at Blanche Sims Elementary School.
Bicycle larceny reported in Children’s Park.
Bicycle found.
Suspicious circumstances reported on E. Jackson Street.
All of the above information is on file at the Lake Orion Village Police Department.

Fire Calls
Monday, June 1, station #3 responded to a carbon monoxide alarm on Orbit.
Station #1 responded to a bicycle and car accident on M-24.
Tuesday, June 2, station #3 responded to a burn violation on Maybee Road.
Wednesday, June 3, station #1 responded to a personal injury accident at M-24 and Scripps.
Friday, June 4, station #1 responded to a property fire on Bellevue.
The Lake Orion Fire Department has responded to 659 fire and emergency calls thus far in 2009.

Deputy Reports
Monday, May 4, damage to property reported at Indian Trail and Indianwood Road.
Larceny on Lapeer Road. Vicodins allegedly stolen from coat in break room.
Illegal entry–immigration–reported at Lapeer and Premier Drive.
Breaking and entering reported on Eagle Ridge Road. Flat screen TV missing.
Tuesday, May 5, illegal entry–immigration–reported on Brown Road and Bluebird Drive.
Found property reported on Lapeer and Scripps. A bag of clothing and ID found.
Fraud reported on Lapeer Road.
Aggravated stalking reported on Queensbury Road.
Wednesday, May 6, suspicious circumstances reported at National Storage on Waldon Road.
Assault and battery reported on Conklin Drive.
Assist other Oxford Village Police at Brown and Lapeer roads.
Thursday, May 7, shoplifting reported at Kohl’s on Baldwin Road.
Stolen motorcycle reported on Eagle Ridge Road.
Friday, May 8, breaking and entering reported on Freeman Street. Tools allegedly taken from garage.
Shoplifting reported at Ulta on Baldwin Road.
Breaking and entering reported on Lance Street. Tires and tools allegedly taken.
Sunday, May 9, underage drinking reported at Indianwood Drive and Baldwin Road.
Underage drinking reported at Reno and Highlander.
Disorderly conduct reported at Indianwood Drive and Baldwin Road.
Sunday, May 10, larceny from vehicle reported on Chalice Road. Complainant claimed 30 CDs of old Spanish music was missing.
OCSD deputies assisted Grand Blanc Township reported on Kimberly Road.
Assault and battery reported at Baldwin and Waldon Road. 43-year-old male subject was found by deputies ‘staggering? on the sidewalk, according to reports. A bottle of vodka was found on the suspect. Reports said the suspects blood alcohol content was .265. The suspect wrestled with deputies until a deputy administered a taser.
Reckless driving reported at Joslyn and Clarkston roads.
Advise and release warrant reported on Baldwin and Brown roads.

All of the above information is on file at the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department Orion Substation.

LO Police Log
Monday, May 4, noise complaint reported on Heights.
Suspicious circumstances reported on E. Jackson Street.
Suspicious circumstances reported on E. Flint Street.
Ordinance violation observed at Atwater and Perry.
Two ordinance violations observed on Newton.
Abandoned vehicle reported on Lake Street.
Malicious destruction of property reported from S. Broadway business. Business staff member brought two suspects to LOPD.
Tuesday, May 5, road hazard reported on Park Island.
Larceny reported on North Shore. Grill missing from vehicle.
Suspicious circumstances reported on N. Lapeer Street. Subject seen ‘Dumpster diving.?
Suspicious circumstances reported on Hauxwell. Subject seen ‘Dumpster diving.?
Police responded to a burglar alarm on W. Shadbolt.
Wednesday, May 6, ordinance violation observed on S. Broadway.
Ordinance violation observed on E. Flint Street.
Abandoned vehicle reported on North Shore.
Ordinance violation reported on Park Island.
Burglery reported on James Court. Shed broken into, hand gun stolen.
Thursday, May 7, suspicious circumstances reported on Converse Court.
Suspicious circumstances reported on Converse Court.
Ordinance violation reported on North Shore.
Family trouble reported on Bellevue.
Gas station customer left without paying at a S. Broadway station.
Suspicious circumstances reported on Bagley. Possible fraud, harassing phone calls by subject impersonating law enforcement.
Friday, May 8, ordinance violation reported on Norland.
Ordinance violation reported on Victoria Island.
Suspicious circumstances reported on Front Street.
Missing property reported from Children’s Park. Flannel shirt taken from picnic table.
Noise complaint reported on S. Broadway business.
Suspicious circumstances reported on S. Anderson. Door open.
Saturday, May 9, warrant arrest made.
Suspicious circumstances reported at Greens Park. Three male subjects seen pulling on dock top boards.
Domestic dispute reported on Smith Court. Subject locked out of house with children and no jackets.
Suspicious circumstances and possible domestic dispute reported.
Juvenile complaint reported from lower municipal parking lot.
Sunday, May 10, suspicious vehicle reported on N. Lapeer Street.
Suspicious circumstances reported from Greens Park. Gate open.
Domestic violence reported on W. Flint Street.
Ordinance violation observed on N. Broadway.
Wedding band found at S. Broadway and Flint Street.
Check found in municipal parking lot.
Domestic violence reported on Lake Shore. Malicious destruction of property reported to vehicle on S. Broadway.
Suspicious circumstances reported on W. Flint Street. Car running with no one inside.

All of the above information is on file at the Lake Orion Village Police Department.

Fire Calls
Monday, May 4, station #1 responded to a car fire on Heights Road.
Tuesday, May 5, station #4 responded to a burn complaint on N. Baldwin Road.

The Lake Orion Fire Department has responded to 546 fire and emergency calls thus far in 2009.

Deputy Reports
Monday, April 27, vehicle theft reported at Milosh Dodge on Lapeer Road.
Damage to property reported on Coats Road. Three teenage suspects allegedly blew apart a mailbox with a dry ice bomb made in a 20-ounce plastic Coke bottle.
Larceny from vehicle reported on S. Lapeer Road.

Tuesday, April 28, K-9 vehicle search at Greythorne Drive and Squirrel Road.
Larceny from vehicle reported on McClellan. Ipod and GPS system missing.

Wednesday, April 29, fraud, illegal use of credit card, reported on Orchard Ridge Drive.
Illegal entry–immigration–reported on Bluebird Drive.

Thursday, April 30, shoplifting reported at Kohl’s on Baldwin Road.
Larceny from building reported at Paint Creek Elementary School. A purse was allegedly snatched during a student program at the school.
Civil matter reported on Heights Road.
Breaking and entering reported on Waldon Road.
Domestic trouble reported at the Belle Tire on S. Lapeer Road.
Warrant arrest reported at Baldwin and Brown roads.

Friday, May 1, credit card fraud reported on Bald Mountain Road.
Disorderly conduct reported at Brown and Joslyn roads.
Disorderly conduct reported at Joslyn and Indianwood roads.
Suspicious circumstances reported on Coats Road. Cardboard boxes on fire by the side of the road.

Sunday, May 2, shoplifting reported at Kohl’s on Baldwin Road.
Malicious destruction of property reported at Silverbell Road. Truck hood damaged by blunt object.
Damage to property reported at the Oakhurst Golf Course. Three juveniles allegedly spray-painted profanities on property.
Extradition arrest warrant reported at Waldon and Joslyn roads. A 47-year-old male suspect was stopped in his vehicle. There was a warrant out for him for charges of aggravated burglary and theft over $10,000 in Williamson County, Tenn.
Sunday, May 3, operating under the influence of alcohol reported at Baldwin and Clarkston roads.
Damage to private property reported on Waldon Road. Passenger-side rear window smashed at ‘house party.?

All of the above information is on file at the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department Orion Substation.

LO Police Log
Monday, April 27, ordinance violation observed on M-24.
Ordinance violation observed at Flint Street and M-24.
Ordinance violation observed on Broadway.

Tuesday, April 28, police responded to a burglar alarm at a Lakeview business.
Ordinance violation observed on N. Washington.
Ordinance violation observed on Atwater.
Ordinance violation observed on N. Northshore Drive.
Ordinance violation observed on Northshore Drive.
Ordinance violation observed on Axford.
Suspicious vehicle reported on S. Broadway.
Police responded to a burglar alarm at a W. Shadbolt business.

Wednesday, April 29, liquor violation reported on W. Flint Street.
Accident reported on M-24 and W. Flint Street.
Accident reported on Flint Street.
Domestic dispute reported on Crescent. Daughter was fighting with step-father.

Thursday, April 30, driving with suspended license made on Atwater.
Warrant arrest made.
Suspicious circumstances reported in Atwater Commons. Four women outside beating on a building.
Traffic hazard reported at Shadbolt and M-24.
Traffic hazard reported at M-24 business.
Suspicious circumstances reported on Emerald Chase Drive. Woman screaming outside.
Suspicious circumstances reported on Orion Road. Same woman fighting in parking lot.

Friday, May 1, noise complaint reported from S. Broadway.
Accident reported on Evergreen Trail.
Suspicious circumstances. Possible drunk driver reported at S. Broadway fastfood drive-through.

Saturday, May 2, accident reported at N. Park Boulevard and Flint Street.
Suspicious circumstances reported on S. Slater. Possible fraud/scam.
Suspicious circumstances reported at S. Broadway business.
Larceny reported on Bellevue. Bicycle stolen.
Suspicious circumstances reported on S. Broadway. Possible electric guitars in downtown business.
Suspicious circumstances reported on Heights. Kids playing ‘dare,? laying down in roadway in front of traffic.

Sunday, May 3, family trouble reported on Orion Road.
Suspicious circumstances reported on S. Broadway. Business door open.
Family trouble reported on Orion Road.

All of the above information is on file at the Lake Orion Village Police Department.

Fire Calls
Monday, April 27, station #3 responded to reports of low wires on S. Baldwin Road.
Station #2 responded to reports of low wires at Silverbell and Giddings Roads.

Tuesday, April 28, station #2 responded to a personal injury accident on M-24.

Wednesday, April 29, station #2 responded to a fire alarm on Interpark Drive.
Station #1 responded to a gas leak on M-24.

Saturday, May 2, station #2 responded to a fire alarm on E. Silverbell Road.
Station #1 responded to a gas line break on Central.

Sunday, May 3, stations #1 and 4 responded to a burn violation on Knibbe.
Station #4 responded to a burn violation on Joslyn Road.
Station #2 responded to a lawnmower fire on Westview.

The Lake Orion Fire Department has responded to 522 fire and emergency calls thus far in 2009.

Monday, April 20, larceny of personal property from vehicle reported on Franklin Wright Boulevard. Credit cards found in Dumpster.

Tuesday, April 21, shoplifting reported at Kohl’s on Baldwin Road.
Damage to property reported on Waldon Ridge Drive.

Wednesday, April 22, shoplifting at Kohl’s on Baldwin Road.
Raccoon caught on side of house put to sleep on Georgia Drive.
Felony arrest warrant reported on Beach Drive.

Thursday, April 23, accidental property damage reported at Stadium Elementary on Stadium Drive.
Shoplifting reported at Kohl’s on Baldwin Road.
Misdemeanor arrest warrant reported at Lapeer and Indian Lake roads.
Warrant arrest reported at Lapeer and Clarkston roads. Expired license.
Shoplifting reported at Kohl’s on Baldwin Road.

Friday, April 24, operating under the influence of alcohol reported on Clarkston Road.
Shoplifting reported at the Kohl’s on Baldwin Road.

Sunday, April 26, larceny from vehicle reported on Ravine Drive. Cash and a GPS unit allegedly stolen.
Accidental property damage reported on Long Lake Boulevard. Tree blown over during severe storm.
Larceny from vehicle reported on Kossuth Road. GPS unit missing.
All of the above information is on file at the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department Orion Substation.

LO Police Log
Monday, April 20, resident reported construction crew yanked telephone wires on Fairview.
Police responded to breaking and entering alarm from S. Broadway business.
Family trouble reported on Newton. Seventeen-year-old daughter stealing caught stealing.
Traffic complaint reported at M-24 and Elizabeth.

Tuesday, April 21, domestic violence, malicious destruction of property and arrest reported from S. Broadway.
Man’s wallet found on W. Flint Street.
Parole violation reported on S. Broadway.
Accident reported at M-24 and Atwater.

Wednesday, April 22, ordinance violation observed on Atwater.
Abandoned vehicle reported on Atwater.
Ordinance violation observed on Longpoint.
Accident reported at M-24 and Elizabeth Street.
Accident reported at Flint and Perry Streets.
Police responded to panic alarm at N. Park Boulevard bank.

Friday, April 24, suspicious circumstances reported on Beebe.
Ordinance violation observed on N. Lapeer Street.
Police responded to breaking and entering alarm on Atwater.
Check fraud reported at local bank.
Suspicious circumstances reported on M-24. Subject pushed juvenile off bicycle after victim rode through wet cement in construction area.

Saturday, April 25, juvenile trouble reported at Blanche Sims Elementary.
Keys found on E. Flint Street.
Traffic hazard reported at Orion and Grampian.

Sunday, April 26, police responded to breaking and entering alarm on S. Broadway.
Police responded to breaking and entering alarm on S. Lapeer Street.
Cell phone larceny reported on Converse Court.
Unauthorized trash dumped in Dumpster on Orion Road.
All of the above information is on file at the Lake Orion Village Police Department.

Fire Calls
Monday, April 20, station #3 responded to a wire fire on Waldon.

Tuesday, April 21, station #1 responded to a personal injury accident on M-24.
Friday, April 24, station #1 responded to a personal injury accident at Miller and Flint Streets.

Saturday, April 25, stations #3 and 4 responded to downed wires on N. Baldwin Road.
Station #3 responded to downed wires on Baldwin Road.
Station #3 responded to downed wires at Baldwin and Maybee.
Stations #1 and 4 responded to downed wires at Joslyn and Clarkston.
Station #1 responded to downed wires at Orion and Atwater.
Station #1 responded to downed wires at Joslyn and Heights.
Station #2 responded to downed wires on S. Lapeer Street.
Stations #3 and 4 responded to downed wires on Beardon.
Stations #3 and 4 responded to downed wires on Beardon.
Station #1 responded to a fire alarm on S. Lapeer Street.
Station #1 responded to downed wires at Porteous and N. Long Lake.
Stations #1 and 4 responded to downed wiresat Newman and Joslyn.
Station #3 responded to downed wires at Baldwin and Gregory.
Station #3 responded to downed wires on Baldwin.
Station #3 responded to downed wires on Baldwin.
Station #3 responded to downed wires on Baldwin.
Station #3 responded to downed wires on Baldwin.
Station #3 responded to downed wires on Baldwin.
Station #3 responded to downed wires on Baldwin.
Station #3 responded to downed wires on Baldwin.

Sunday, April 26, station #1 responded to arcing wires on Mariday.
Station #3 responded to reports of a broke DTE pole on Maybee.
Station #1 responded to a peronal injury accident at Clarkston and Pinetree.
Stations #1 and 4 responded to a tree and wire fire on Coats.
Station #1 responded to a wire fire on Pleasant View.

The Lake Orion Fire Department has responded to 492 fire and emergency calls thus far in 2009.

Monday, April 6, larceny reported on Ash. License plate allegedly taken off vehicle.
Domestic trouble on Fisherman’s Cove.

Tuesday, April 7, burglary reported on Judah Road. Tools missing from garage.
Shoplifting reported at Kohl’s on Baldwin Road.

Wednesday, April 8, breaking and entering reported on Orion Terrace. Front door found open, television allegedly stolen.

Thursday, April 9, K-9 vehicle search reported at Scripps and Lapeer roads. Marijuana allegedly found.
Domestic trouble reported at Sunfield Place.
Felony arrest reported on Seven Mile in Detroit.

Friday, April 10, assault and battery reported on Eagle Vista Lane.
Shoplifting reported at Kohl’s on Baldwin Road.
Larceny from vehicle reported. Laptop missing from car.
Insufficient funds reported at Citizen’s Bank on Baldwin Road. Checks being written to ‘Cash? did not have the funds in accounts.
Breaking and entering reported on Semloh Street.
Operating under the influence of alcohol reported at Clarkston and Lapeer roads.

Saturday, April 11, operating under the influence of alcohol reported on Hihill Drive.
Parole violation reported on Sparrow Hill Drive. Suspect on parole for second degree home invasion.

Sunday, April 12, larceny from vehicle reported at Christ the Redeemer Church on Waldon Road. The front window of a vehicle was busted out and a wallet was allegedly taken on Easter morning.
Operating under the influence of alcohol reported at Baldwin and Judah roads.

All of the above information is on file at the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department Orion Substation.

LO Police Log
Monday, April 6, road hazard reported on Atwater. Garbage bag in roadway.
Road hazard reported at Flint and Northshore. Tree down on cable wires.
Fraud reported at a S. Broadway business.
Tuesday, April 7, hit and run accident reported in S. Broadway business parking lot.

Wednesday, April 8, accident reported at E. Flint and Anderson Streets.
Suspicious circumstances reported on E. Flint Street. Resident found mysterious footprints in backyard.
Threats/harassment reported on N. Lapeer Street.
Suspicious circumstances reported at Brittain and Heights. Solicitors going door-to-door.
Suspicious vehicle reported on E. Flint Street.
Police responded to a burglar alarm from S. Broadway business.
Domestic violence reported on Hauxwell. Woman’s intoxicated mother-in-law allegdely removed woman from home and was holding child ‘hostage.?

Thursday, April 9, credit card found on W. Flint Street.
Police responded to burglar alarm from S. Broadway business.
Traffic complaint reported at M-24 and Franklin Wright Boulevard.
Police responded to burglar alarm on Lake Street.
Accident reported at W. Flint Street business.
Malicious destruction of property reported on N. Broadway. Outside light broken.
Malicious destruction of property reported on E. Jackson. Outside light broken.

Friday, April 10, suspicious person reported on Lakeview.
Accident reported at Park Island Drive and M-24.
Suspicious circumstances reported on S. Broadway. Rock thrown from silver van.
Trespassing reported on S. Broadway business.
Malicious destruction of property reported on N. Broadway. Outside light broken.

Saturday, April 11, accident reported on S. Broadway.
Suspicious circumstances reported. White SUV shooting pellet gun at stop sign.
Malicious destruction of property reported at Front and Anderson Streets. Vehicle’s back driver’s side window shot out by pellet gun as woman entered.
Abandoned vehicle reported on Atwater. Vehicle in resident’s driveway.

Sunday, April 12, malicious destruction of property reported on E. Flint Street. Vehicle shot at with pellet gun.
Disturbing the peace reported on Hauxwell. Man and woman fighting outside residence.
Police responded to burglar alarm at S. Broadway business.
Cell phone found on Hauxwell.
Police responded to burglar alarm on Northshore.

All of the above information is on file at the Lake Orion Village Police Department.

Fire Calls
Monday, April 6, stations #1 and 4 responded to electricity arcing from a transformer on S. Newman.
Station #4 responded to downed wires on Beardon.
Stations #1 and 4 responded to downed wires in a tree on Crestmont.
Stations #1 and 4 responded to electricity arcing from a transformer on Indianwood.
Station #2 responded to electrical flashes on M-24.
Station #1 responded to downed wires on Indian Lake Road.
Station #1 responded to low wires on Fairledge.
Station #1 responded to downed wires on N. Anderson.

Tuesday, April 7, station #3 responded to a personal injury accident at Brown and Estes.

Wednesday, April 8, station #1 responded to a Dumpster fire on S. Broadway.

Thursday, April 9, station #2 responded to a personal injury accident at M-24 and Silverbell Road.

Friday, April 10, station #3 responded to a personal injury accident at Baldwin and Gregory.
Station #1 investigated reports of smoke on Clairmont.

Saturday, April 11, stations #1 and 2 responded to a personal injury accident on Hi-Hill Drive.
Stations #1 and 4 responded to a personal injury accident on W. Clarkston Road.
Station #1 observed a burn violation on Ferndale.

The Lake Orion Fire Department has responded to 422 fire and emergency calls thus far in 2009.

Monday, March 23, disorderly conduct reported at Lake Orion High School. Fight between students in The Commons.
Embezzlement reported at Taco Bell on S. Lapeer Road.
Warrant arrest reported on Aspen Trail.
Driving with a suspended license reported at I-75 and Rohr Road.
Tuesday, March 24, illegal entry-immigration-arrest reported during traffic stop at S. Lapeer and Silverbell roads.
Damage to property reported at Kroger’s on Baldwin Road. Keyed car.
Wednesday, March 25, domestic assault reported on Canary Hill Drive.
Assist fire department reported on Heather Lake Drive.
Thursday, March 26, malicious destruction of property reported on Montclair Drive.
Damage to property reported on Dollar Bay Drive. Landscaping lights damaged.
Warrant arrest reported in Bloomfield Hills.
Friday, March 27, breaking and entering reported on Armstrong.
Domestic trouble reported at Orion Cove Apartments.
Operating under the influence of alcohol reported at Brown and Giddings roads.
Damage to property reported at Baldwin and Waldon roads.
Breaking and entering reported on Hi Crest Drive. Mountain bike allegedly stolen.
Saturday, March 28, disorderly conduct reported on Silverbell Road.
Driving while intoxicated reported on Silverbell Road.
Sunday, March 29, misdemeanor arrest warrant reported on Baldwin Road.
Operating under the influence reported on Long Lake Boulevard. .
All of the above information is on file at the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department Orion Substation.

LO Police Log
Monday, March 23, family trouble reported on N. Lapeer Street.
Suspicious person reported on S. Washington Street.
Wallet found outside police department.
Ordinance violation observed on S. Broadway.
Ordinance violation observed on Northshore.
Three ordinance violations observed on N. Park Boulevard.
Complaints of skateboarders at Children’s Park reported.
Assault and battery reported on Atwater and Newton.
Malicious destruction of property reported on S. Washington Street. Two juveniles threw sewer grate off bridge.

Tuesday, March 24, suspicious vehicle reported on S. Broadway.

Wednesday, March 25, accident reported outside M-24 business.
Complaints of skateboarders at Children’s Park reported.
Suspicious circumstances reported. Possible minors in possession on Atwater Commons.
Warrant arrest made.

Thursday, March 26, ordinance violation observed on Northshore.
Complaints of skateboarders at Children’s Park reported.
Suspicious circumstances reported. Children digging up dirt in Atwater Park.
Accident reported on N. Park Boulevard.
Accident reported ouside M-24 business.
Suspicious circumstances reported at Blanche Sims Elementary. Juveniles playing on playground equipent
Dog found on E. Elizabeth Street.
Suspicious circumstances reported on S. Broadway. Subject refused to leave lodging.
Warrant arrest made.

Friday, March 27, accident reported on S. Broadway.
Complaints of skateboarders at Children’s Park reported.
Accident reported at Shadbolt and N. Park. Animal complaint reported at Slater and Church Streets. Tan dog loose.

Saturday, March 28, fraud reported on Orion Road. House guest used debit card without permission.
Trespassing reported on Elizabeth Street. Juveniles using private playscape.

Sunday, March 29, officers responded to a burglar alarm from S. Broadway business.

All of the above information is on file at the Lake Orion Village Police Department.

Fire Calls
Monday, March 23, stations #1 and 4 responded to a burn violaion on Knibbe.

Tuesday, March 24, station #1 investigate reports of smoke on Glanworth.

Wednesday, March 25, station #3 responded to reports of downed wires on Joslyn.
Station #1 responded to a personal injury accident at Clarkston and Pine Tree.

Thursday, March 26, firefighters investigated a burn violation on Walmsley Circle.
Station #1 responded to a personal injury accident on N. Park Boulevard.

Sunday, March 29, station #3 responded to a carbon dioxide alarm on Saturn.
Stations #1 and 4 responded to reports of downed wires on Stanton.

The Lake Orion Fire Department has responded to 360 fire and emergency calls thus far in 2009.

Deputy Reports

Monday, Feb. 9, K-9 search reported on Springwood Court. Suspect was passed out behind the wheel of a vehicle in the road. Marijuana and Methadone tablets found.
Operating under the influence of drugs reported at Lapeer and Greenshields roads.
Tuesday, Feb. 10, suspicious circumstances reported at Creeks Edge.
K-9 vehicle search reported at Lapeer and Greenshields roads. Deputies found syringes, three burnt spoons, small cotton balls and baggies.
Wednesday, Feb. 11, harassing communications reported at Eagle Vista Lane.
Thursday, Feb. 12, warrant arrest at Baldwin and Brown roads.
Operating under the influence of alcohol reported at N. Lapeer and Elizabeth roads.
Friday, Feb. 13, warrant arrest on Waldon and Joslyn roads.
Injured deer put to sleep at Silverbell and Kern roads.
Saturday, Feb. 14, larceny from automobile reported on Oak Trail. GPS unit taken.
Larceny from vehicle reported on Grafton Street. License plate missing from pickup.
Sunday, Feb. 15, breaking and entering reported on Kimberly. Electronic items missing.
Operating under the influence of alcohol reported on S. Lapeer Road.
Operating while intoxicated reported on S. Lapeer Road.
Telephone used for harassment and threats reported on E. Clarkston Road.
Felony arrest warrant pick-up in Detroit.

All of the above information is on file at the Oakland County Sheriff’s Orion Substation.

LO Police Log

Monday, Feb. 9, suspicious circumstances reported on Atwater.
Suspicious circumstances reported on Cass.
Parking complaint reported on Bellevue. A vehicle was blocking the roadway and public transportation could not get through.
Accident reported on W. Flint Street.
Fence damage to a local cemetarty reported.
Tuesday, Feb. 10, ordinance violation for construction without a permit observed on Axford.
Ordinance violation for burning without a permit observed on Axford.
Suspicious circumstances reported on E. Shadbolt.
Cell phone found at N. Broadway and E. Shadbolt.
Suspicious vehicle reported on W. Bellevue.
Wednesday, Feb. 11, ordinance violation for property maintainence observed on N. Northshore Drive.
Accident reported at Perry and E. Flint Streets.
Coat found on E. Flint Street.
Thursday, Feb. 12, suspicous person reported on S. Broadway.
Traffic hazzard reported on Central.
Traffic hazzard reported on E. Flint Street.
Abandoned vehicle reported on W. Flint Street.
Abandoned vehicle reported on N. Broadway.
Parking complaint reported at Lapeer Road and Front Street.
Warrant arrest made.
Friday, Feb. 13, larceny reported from a S. Broadway business.
Animal complaint reported from Hauxwell. Dog kept in pen with no food or water.
Loud noise reported from Broadway business.
Saturday, Feb. 14, warrant arrest made.
Arrest for marijuana possession made at M-24 and Heights.
Damage to village property reported at Anderson and Flint Streets.
Accident reported at Atwater and S. Broadway.
Possible opperating while intoxicated reported at M-24 and Indianwood.
Sunday, Feb. 15, animal complaint reported. Black dog loose on Bellevue Island.
Credit card found outside S. Broadway business.

All of the above information is on file at the Lake Orion Village Police Department.

Fire Calls

Tuesday, Feb. 10, station #1 responded to a personal injury accident at M-24 and Indianwood.
Station #1 responded to a gas leak on N. Broadway.
Wednesday, Feb. 11, stations #3 and 4 investigated reports of smoke smell.
Station #1 responded to a wire fire on Indianwood.
Thursday, Feb. 12, station #3 responded to a transformer and pole fire on Rose Court.
Station #1 responded to downed wires on W. Clarkston Road.

The Lake Orion Fire Department has responded to 192 fire and emergency calls thus far in 2009.

Deputy Reports
Monday, Jan. 26, operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol reported at Lapeer and Indianwood.

Tuesday, Jan. 27, operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol reported at Baldwin Road and Mill Creek Drive.

Wednesday, Jan. 28, lost property reported on Bunny Run Boulevard. Handgun missing from vehicle.
Operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol reported on Poplar Road.

Thursday, Jan. 29, assault and battery reported on King Circle.
Larceny from vehicle reported. License plate allegedly taken.
Larceny from a building reported on Joslyn Road. Laptop missing.
Identity theft reported on Pontiac Drive.
Embezzlement of business property reported on Fernhurst Court.
Operating under the influence of alcohol reported at Lapeer and Silverbell roads.

Friday, Jan. 30, operating under the influence of alcohol reported at Lapeer and Scripps roads.
Family trouble reported on Saturn.

Saturday, Jan. 31, larceny from building reported on Scripps Road. Coat taken from locker.
Fight reported on a school bus.
Peace officer requested at Marinapointe Boulevard.
Larceny from vehicle reported on Elmhurst Circle. CDs, DVDs and a portable GPS system allegedly taken.
Identity theft reported on Shorewood Court. Fraudulent purchase made on e-Bay.
Operating under the influence of alcohol reported on S. Lapeer Road.
Operating under the influence of alcohol reported at Giddings and Brown roads.
Felony arrest warrant reported on I-75 and Rohr Road.

Sunday, Feb. 1, harassing communications reported on Wheatfield Court.
Assault and battery reported on Baldwin Road.

All of the above information is on file at the Oakland County Sherrif’s Orion Substation.

LO Police Log
Monday, Jan. 26, private property accident reported at Axford and Church Streets.
Suspicious circumstances reported. Two young males driving recklessly.

Tuesday, Jan. 27, ordinance violation observed on E. Church Street.

Wednesday, Jan. 28, snow complaint reported. Snow shoveled into roadway on Central.
Liquor inspection in S. Broadway business.
Civil complaint reported. Landlord alledgedly would not allow renter to take belongings while moving out.
Suspicious circumstances reported in S. Broadway business.
Parking complaint reported on Flint Stree. Vehicle parked illegally.

Thursday, Jan. 29, parking complaint reported on W. Flint Street.
Two parking complaints reported on E. Flint Street.

Friday, Jan. 30, complaint from S. Broadway business reported. Non-customer walked through building.
Accident reported at Atwater and M-24.
Three parking complaints reported on E. Flint Street.
Parking complaint reported at Front Street and Lapeer Road.
Parking complaint reported on S. Broadway.
Perscription fraud reported in S. Broadway pharmacy.

Saturday, Jan. 31, suspicious circumstances reported on Bridge Street. Subjects tresspassing.
Animal complaint reported at Algene and Heights. Large dog loose.
Warrant arrest made.
Suspicious vehicle reported on N. Park Boulevard.

All of the above information is on file at the Lake Orion Village Police Department.

Fire Calls
Monday, Jan. 26, station #1 responded to a fire alarm on S. Lapeer Road.

Wednesday, Jan. 28, stations #1 and 2 responded to a personal injury accident at Joslyn and Scripps Roads.
Station #2 responded to a carbon monoxide alarm on Pinnacle.

Thursday, Jan. 29, station #1 responded to a personal injury accident on S. Lapeer Road.
Stations #1 and 4 responded to a personal injury accident on Indianwood, west of Newman.
Stations #1, 2, 3 and 4 responded to a personal injury accident on Indianwood, east of Baldwin Road.

Friday, Jan. 30, station #1 responded to a personal injury accident on Lapeer and Scripps Roads.

The Lake Orion Fire Department has responded to 121 fire and emergency calls thus far in 2009.

Deputy Reports
Monday, Jan. 12, marijuana possession on Clarkston and Key West.

Tuesday, Jan. 13, larceny from vehicle on Scenic Court. Radio and CDs attempted stolen.

Wednesday, Jan. 14, disorderly conduct reported at Baldwin and Gingell.
Operating while intoxicated reported on S. Lapeer and Clarston roads.

Thursday, Jan 15, damage to property reported on Summit. Windshield wipers torn off car.

Friday, Jan. 16, warrant arrest of Starling Hill Drive.
Operating under the influence reported in Oxford Township.
Illegal entry, immigration, reported on Brown and Joslyn roads.

Saturday, Jan. 17, robbery reported on Baldwin Road.

All of the above information is on file at the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department Orion Substation.

LO Police Log
Monday, Jan. 12, two ordinance violations issued on S. Broadway.
Ordinance violation issued on E. Jackson Street.
Three ordinance violations issued on E. Shadbolt Street.
Three ordinance violations issued issued on W. Church Street.
Suspicious activity reported on E. Flint Street.

Tuesday, Jan. 13, breaking and entering alarm reported on S. Broadway. Police determined it was a false alarm.
Parking complaint reported on E. Flint Street.
Parking complaint reported on Shadbolt Street and Lapeer Road.
Family trouble reported on S. Washington.

Wednesday, Jan. 14, parking complaint reported on Park Boulevard. Vehicle in roadway.
Suspicious circumstances reported on E. Jackson Street. Door was open to vacant residence.
Parking complaint reported on E. Flint Street.
Accident reported on W. Shadbolt Street.
Breaking and entering alarm sounded on N. Park Boulevard.

Thursday, Jan. 15, warrant arrest for misdemeanor made.
Breaking and entering alarm sounded on S. Broadway. Police reported all was clear.
Parking complaint reported on S. Broadway.
Parking complaint reported N. Anderson.
Parking complaint reported on Atwater Commons.
Parking complaint reported on Bellevue.
Prescription fraud reported at Walgreens on N. Park Boulevard.
Accident reported at Bellevue and Buena Vista.
Accident reported on Broadway.
Accident reported at S. Broadway and Atwater.

Friday, Jan. 16, fourteen ordinance violations issued on S. Broadway.
Ordinance violation issued on W. Flint Street.
Ordinance violation issued on W. Shadbolt.
Five ordinance violations ussed on N. Park Boulevard.
Purse larceny reported on S. Broadway.
Gas larceny reported. Driver left gas station without paying.
Suspicious letter found on door on Evergreen Trail.

Saturday, Jan. 17, wallet larceny reported on S. Broadway.
Parking complaint reported on Northshore.
Accident reported on N. Park Boulevard.
Suspicious circumstances reported on S. Broadway. Possible breaking and entering a vehicle.

Sunday, Jan. 18, breaking and entering alarm sounded on S. Broadway. Owner reported false alarm.
Family trouble reported on Park Island.

All of the above information is on file at the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department Orion Substation
Fire Calls
Monday, Jan. 12, station #2 responded to a personal injury accident on northbound Lapeer Road, just south of Scripps.
Station #3 responded to a personal injury accident involving a car and a tractor on Morgan.

Tuesday, Jan. 13, stations #1 and 4 responded to a pole fire on Lawson.

Friday, Jan. 16, station #1 investigated reports of smoke on Orion Terrace.

Saturday, Jan. 17, station #2 responded to a fire alarm on Shorewood Court.
Station #2 responded to a personal injury accident on S. Lapeer Road.

The Lake Orion Fire Department has responded to 91 fire and emergency calls thus far in 2009.

The police log entry from Friday, Jan. 2 involving Colony Cleaners should read:
Harrassing phone calls to Colony Cleaners reported. Calls came from a Detroit Street residence.

Deputy Reports
Monday, Dec. 29, warrant arrest reported at Lapeer and Brown roads.
Zero tolerance/minors in possession tickets issued at Baldwin and Brown roads.
Single motor vehicle accident reported at Canary and Bluebird.

Tuesday, Dec. 30, Concealed weapon, firearm in vehicle reported on Cardinal Hill Drive.
Breaking and entering reported on Clarkston. A laptop and plug adapter were taken.
Single motor vehicle accident reported at Nakomos and Indianwood.
Single motor vehicle accident reported at Baldwin and Judah.
Single motor vehicle accident reported at Lapeer and Indian Lake.
Single motor vehicle accident reported at Lapeer and Indian Lake.

Wednesday, Dec. 31, civil matter reported on Casemer.
Underage drinking reported at the Best Western on S. Lapeer Road.
Accident reported at Clarkston and Kern.

Thursday, Jan. 1, operating under the influence of alcohol ticket issued at Waldon and Lapeer roads.
Accident reported at Lapeer and Waldon roads.

Friday, Jan. 2, larceny from an automobile reported on Brookside Drive. An amplifier and speakers were taken.
Side-swipe accident reported at Lapeer and Indian Lake.
Rear-end accident reported Brown and Giddings.
Rear-end accident reported at Waldon and Joslyn.
Head-on, left-turn accident reported at Baldwin and Hidden Timber.

Saturday, Jan. 3, harassing phone call reported.
Zero tolerance/minors in possession of alcohol ticket issued at Clarkston and Joslyn roads.
A 9mm pistol was found on Poplar Road. There had been an attempt to file off the serial numbers.
Single motor vehicle accident reported at Clarkston and Lapeer roads.

Sunday, Jan. 4, vehicle fire reported at Premier Drive.
Harassing phone call reported on Clarkston Road.

All of the above information is on file at the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department Orion Substation.

LO Police Log
Monday, Dec. 29, possible animal abuse reported on Bellevue.
Suspicious circumstances reported on Bellevue. Front door left open and unattended.
Ordinance violation issued on Algene.
Parking complaint reported on Front.
Ordinance violation issued on Flint.
Ordinance violation issued on Orion.
Wallet found at M-24 and Flint.
Warrant arrest made.
Custody issue reported on W. Flint. Woman was attempting to leave the state with her child against judge’s orders.

Tuesday, Dec. 30, parking complaint reported at Recreation and Lakeview.
Ordinance violation issued on S. Slater.
Animal complaint reported on Atwater. Beagle was running loose.
Ordinance violation issued on Oak Ln.

Wednesday, Dec. 31, neighbor trouble reported on N. Anderson.
Public property hit and run reported at Atwater and Bagley streets. A vehicle hit a guardrail.
Suspicious circumstances reported on S. Lapeer Road. Two male subjects were seen going door to door attempting to enter residences.

Thursday, Jan. 1, breaking and entering reported on S. Broadway. Police discovered it was a false alarm.
Suspicious circumstances reported on Park Ct. Personal property was missing from residence.
Suspicious circumstances reported on Peninsular. Kids were ringing doorbells then throwing snowballs when residents answered.
Suspicious circumstances reported on Emerald Chase in Atwater Commons. A balcony door was left open and unattended.

Friday, Jan. 2, customer trouble reported at Wendy’s on Broadway.
Accident reported at M-24 and Church in Oxford. LOPD assisted OCSD.
Suspicious circumstances reported on N. Park. A vehicle had been abandoned.
Harrassing phone calls reportedly made from Colony Cleaners to a Detroit residence.

Saturday, Jan. 3, arrest made at Flint and Anderson.

All of the above information is on file at the Lake Orion Police Department.

Fire Calls
Wednesday, Dec. 31, station #1 responded to a fire alarm on S. Lapeer.
Station #1 responded to a personal injury at Whiskey’s at Front St. and Broadway.

Thursday, Jan. 1, station #1 responded to a water flow alarm on Indianwood Road.

Saturday, Jan. 3, stations #3 and 4 responded to a personal injury accident on W. Clarkston Road.

Sunday, Jan. 4, station #1 responded to a fire alarm at the First Baptist Church on E. Scripps Road.
Station #2 responded to a car fire on Premier Drive.