Lake Orion Village consent agenda

SMART Credits – The Village was eligible to receive $2,926 as part of the SMART Municipal Credit Contract. In 2011, the funds were transferred to North Oakland Transportation Authority (NOTA.) The action before the council was to approve the transfer again. The motion was approved as part of the consent agenda.

Homecoming Parade Application – The Lake Orion Community Schools requested permission to hold a Homecoming Parade on Sunday September 23. It is scheduled to begin at 3:30 p.m. and conclude by 5 p.m. The route begins at Blanche Sims Elementary then south on Florence Street to Flint Street, west on Flint to Broadway and north on Broadway to the Angel Center.
A request from the schools to barricade the streets from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. to allow parade participants to safely assemble came before the council on June 25 as part of the consent agenda. The application was approved as part of that agenda.

Village swim lessons-The intergovernmental agreement was adopted by Orion Township at the meeting on May 7. The agreement sets forth the terms and conditions for the township to pay the village $2,000 to allow township residents to participate in the swim program run by the village.
This agreement is essentially the same as the one approved last year and meets the requirements of state law to allow the township to make the payment. The village approved the memorandum.

Road repair from water main breaks-Last fall the Village took bids for asphalt road repair to be done within the village of Lake Orion. Those repairs were needed based upon the several watermain breaks that occurred over the last several years. At the time the village only received two responses and one bid.
The council did not feel comfortable with what was received and asked staff to review the options for getting the work done by either DPW or by an outside contractor.
Mike Olson, DPW Superintendent, outlined the three possible methods to get the work done. The action before the council would be to give the staff direction as to which method they would prefer.
The recommendation was to rebid the work and have it done by an outside contractor. The motion carried.

Village swim lessons-The intergovernmental agreement was adopted by Orion Township at the meeting on May 7. The agreement sets forth the terms and conditions for the township to pay the village $2,000 to allow township residents to participate in the swim program run by the village.
This agreement is essentially the same as the one approved last year and meets the requirements of state law to allow the township to make the payment. The village approved the memorandum.

Road repair from water main breaks-Last fall the Village took bids for asphalt road repair to be done within the village of Lake Orion. Those repairs were needed based upon the several watermain breaks that occurred over the last several years. At the time the village only received two responses and one bid.
The council did not feel comfortable with what was received and asked staff to review the options for getting the work done by either DPW or by an outside contractor.
Mike Olson, DPW Superintendent, outlined the three possible methods to get the work done. The action before the council would be to give the staff direction as to which method they would prefer.
The recommendation was to rebid the work and have it done by an outside contractor. The motion carried.