Let’s continue the fight

To the editor:
The largest show of the community, teachers,students, and taxpayers were at Belle Ann Elementary for this month’s school board meeting. This alone must tell you things aren’t right. Many individuals were new to the forum, not out of negligence, but because things were being handled appropriately and in the best manner for our schools prior to this administration.
Individuals spoke about forgiveness. Forgiveness is a wonderful notion if the person receiving the forgiveness learns from their mistakes and is truly remorseful. This is not true with Mr. Miller. Arrogance was the prominent word of the evening.
I don’t consider backpedaling after an onslaught of media attention and a disgruntled community remorsefulness for an error. There was never an apology.
Our schools have never been in such turmoil. Trust me, this is affecting our children’s education.
Of the handful who supported Mr. Miller and his administration, two of the individuals were prior school board members that voted to hire Mr. Miller, and the other individual seems to get a lot of paid work relations.
Our educated teachers are afraid for their jobs. This is still the United States of America. No one man should have this kind of control. In closing, if you take what they give you, you deserve what you get! Let’s continue the fight for our children, schools, teachers, and community. Maybe our next step is to recall the board.
Maria Lauinger