Letter to Editor: Ayotte family says ‘thanks?

Dear Editor,
Our world changed with the devastating diagnosis we received in January. The fresh hope that a new year usually brings was shattered and replaced with biopsies, surgeries, and treatment plans.
To say the least we were overwhelmed and have been on a rollercoaster of emotions ever since. We never thought anything would compare in intensity to that surge of emotions until last night (April 15.)
The turnout at the benefit was amazing. The event was truly remarkable and Jim and I are so grateful. Thank You. I fear the words used to express our appreciation will fall short and not truly convey the intense gratitude we feel. It has left a mark on our hearts and will never be forgotten.
There are so many people that were involved to make this event possible. We are extremely grateful to family and friends that organized and worked at the event, all those that attended, and everyone that donated gifts and serives. All of you, and many other, some whom we have never met, have touched our hearts and our lives
Even though this amazing event and outpouring of kindness can not take away this unwelcomed beastly disease, we want all of you who were part of it to know that many of the burdens that come along with it have been lightened because of your kindness and generosity.
No matter how big or small of a part you played, please accept our heartfelt appreciation and know that your kindness has changed our lives.
Jim and Jenny Ayotte