Letter to the Editor: Frustrated by safety path

Dear Editor,
How will the Orion Township Board ever accomplish anything if they play possum anytime there is any confrontation from the public?
For three years this Board, OHM Engineering and the Safety path committee has been discussing the expansion of safety paths along Indianwood Road. Last night I watched the Board deny this expansion, which has cost a lot of time and money to get it to this point. I understand the people along Indianwood Road have a right to voice there opinion; however why must the public only become involved at the last second and only when it directly involves them.
These expansions? (along with many other Township matters) are processes that sometimes take years. If the Board does not have a vision and direction, they will never accomplish anything except following the loudest & latest outcry from the public.
– Sincerely frustrated, Donni Steele Vice-Chair of Safety Path Committee