Letters to the Editor July 13, 2024

Haney for Thurman
In my conversations with Kathy Thurman during the 16 years she was Brandon Township supervisor or trustee, we have not always agreed on every issue. However, she always listened carefully and thanked me for being forthright with her.
It is a testament to Kathy’s personal integrity that she never told me what she thought I wanted to hear. Her hard work and commitment to our community enriched Brandon Township during her 12 years as supervisor and four years as trustee.
We are fortunate that Kathy Thurman has once again offered her services as supervisor of Brandon Township.
Bill Haney
Brandon Township

Johnson for Sasser
My reasons for supporting Traci Sasser for Atlas Township Trustee:
Lifelong resident of Atlas Township and Goodrich HS graduate; Past waitress and Dining Room Manager at John’s Steakhouse for 25 years; Committed employee for Goodrich Village with MANY duties since 1998; Member of the Village of Goodrich Zoning Board and the Planning Commission; Also, her past community volunteer committees include the Goodrich/Atlas Historical Society, Goodrich/Atlas Friends of the Library, Goodrich Women’s Club and the Goodrich/Atlas Chamber of Commerce.
Traci Sasser is bright, she listens, is a critical thinker and is an asset to our Atlas Township community; Vote for Traci Sasser on Aug. 6!
Paulette Johnson

Sirignano for Sasser
I am endorsing Traci Sasser for Township Trustee due to her familiarity and knowledge of the workings of the Goodrich/Atlas area. As someone who has worked in local government and is always willing to improve what residents want. She has lived in Goodrich over 40 years and has a love for this area like nobody I know. She will work tirelessly to help and improve our area. She is the type of person who will do whatever it takes to get the job done. You will be glad you voted for her.
D. J. Sirignano
Atlas Real Estate; John’s Steakhouse

Schank for Yuchasz
All Groveland Township voters need to be aware of the supervisor race between Cris Yuchasz and Kevin Scramlin.  As a Planning Commission member, I am aware of the interest Yuchasz has to becoming familiar with Township operations. From 2023 he has attended 19 Board and PC meetings.  In 2020 when he ran for supervisor, his opponent attended only four. How can a person who expects to run our township’s $1,000,000 budget run for supervisor if he hasn’t bothered to understand its operation? Support Cris Yuchasz — his integrity and devotion to Groveland make him the obvious choice for township supervisor.
Lynne Schank
Groveland Township

McCreery for Thurman
I am supporting Kathy Thurman for Brandon Township Supervisor. As Township Clerk, I had the honor of serving with her during her first term as supervisor. I watched her tackle a job she had little experience with and excel at it. Working with the other departments, she turned around our sinking carry forward bank balance into a healthy surplus by cutting expenses without cutting services.
Kathy does not own any other businesses that require her to be away from the office.
She will be what Brandon Township needs, a full time Supervisor, in the office and accessible to the people she serves.
Jeannie McCreery
Retired Brandon Township Clerk

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