Letters to the editor March 17

Economics class needed
(In response to: District eyes outsourcing drivers, The Citizen, Feb. 3, page 1.)
Dear Editor,
As I continue to follow the Brandon School District’s agenda to privatize our school bus services and drivers I recently read an article published on March 1, 2018 by the Detroit Free Press titled ‘Michigan Schools Suffer ‘Critical’ Bus Driver Shortage.’ The article starts with: “Short hours, split shifts, loss of benefits. These are just some of the reasons school districts around Michigan are struggling to find bus drivers and keep them on staff, an issue that has been labeled a ‘critical shortage’ by the Michigan Department of Education for the 2017-18 academic year”.
Yet, once again our school district seems to be ill-timed to be making long term decisions that can cause serious repercussions to the community and our families. Remember 2006 and our $73-Million Millage with payback based on current home values (now that was really bad timing), and land purchases at historic highs and sold at historic lows? Not totally their fault- but certainly ill-timed. I have to question any business or entity that would look to fire an entire department when their own Governing Entity acknowledges a critical shortage in that area. Do not be fooled by the recent letter from the Superintendent published here and sent to all families in the district. Many of the current drivers will not return—the job market is rich with opportunities that do not require you to be available for 11 hours a day and get paid for only 5 to 6. If the Board decides to privatize and it fails—will they take the blame or just say it was the private company that could not fulfill the contract? And then what? Maybe ask Clarkston Schools—that scenario played out there. Maybe that is why Clarkston was not even mentioned as a local district comparison in the Superintendent’s published letter? Sorry to say it, but that letter was a sales attempt—not factual at all as it was presented to be.
I think the school district should be pleasantly pleased with the current state of affairs—the drivers and mechanics have given up something in every contract renewal. The Brandon transportation employees are well trained, loyal and a part of our community. If they were employees in the private sector, they would be asking for more as they are in critical shortage. Based on afore mentioned acts by the Board—I think an economics class may be in order. You just can’t keep making these mistakes and expect to offer a good product and grow.
Andrew Shahin
Thank you
Dear Editor,
Friends, thank you very much for your friendship, care, prayers and love during Dave’s health issues. Your friendship and care always present in this community. Also, thank you or the delicious food provided for our family and the many ways love was shown to us.
Thank you, thank you to Roy Langolf and his wonderful staff at Village Funeral Home for the very special celebration of Dave’s life-so very helpful and caring.
Dave loved this community and will be missed by many,
In God’s love and friendship,
Sharon and the family of
David Van Dis

Phone free school zone
Dear Editor.
I am working today (March 14) and on my lunch hour had to watch the misinformed students protesting gun violence.
The real problem is disconnection, isolation and deviant behavior. Cell phone usage in schools contributes to all of these by being a tool for bullying, slander, keeping certain kids isolated. I propose a phone free school zone. Students either leave their electronics at home or leave them at the school office. Students will be encouraged to communicate with other students, especially students they don’t know.The students need to protest isolation of other students by going out of their way to meet new people not just ones on their phone.
The shooter of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. needed friends, interaction and love. He was needing help and instead was expelled.
Take time today to reach out to other people —you could save a life.

Jim Lusty

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