Letters to the Editor Sept. 24, 2022

Thank you Ortonville
Since 2014, my passion and commitment has been to give what I can, when I can, and however I can to our community. Together, we have accomplished so many great things that make our Village stronger, wiser, and more successful. It has truly been an honor to work for, alongside, and behind you in so many arenas that encompass Ortonville. We may be one square mile, but when we work together with a vision, we can accomplish big things on a small budget.
It is bittersweet to choose to close my tenure as Village President this November. I thank the businesses, residents, extended families, visitors, and surrounding communities for your consistent feedback, ideas, and questions during the past eight years. I am grateful for your generous and continual support, teamwork, and most of all, trust. Ortonville’s Mission is: Providing the best possible public service as defined by the citizens of this community in the most efficient manner. This mission includes preserving the finest of Ortonville’s “Proud Past” and building on past successes for a “Promising Future”. I have continually kept this mission in the forefront of all of my decision making, because community voices should be what drives our government.
I am excited to resume serving our community in various capacities at the local, county and now the state level. I will continue to be a voice with, and champion for our community, in many ways, each and every day. I hope that you keep at it with me, as we journey toward Ortonville’s promising future!
Tonja Brice

Nursing home tragedy
As you consider your vote for Governor in November, it is important to remember the deadly actions taken by Gretchen Whitmer during the beginning of Covid-19. Whitmer made the fatal decision to send Covid patients into nursing homes resulting in the estimated death of 5,000-10,000 senior citizens. Since Whitmer refuses to provide the real number, I’m guessing it’s more than 10,000.
For those of you that defend Whitmer, with the “what other choice did she have” excuse, I’ll remind you that 45 Governors didn’t use nursing homes as a death sentence. Only five governors panicked and made the tragic decision of sending Covid patients into nursing homes. Unfortunately, Whitmer was one of them.
Now Whitmer has petitioned the Michigan Supreme Court in an effort to get back the dictatorial powers that allowed her to kill thousands. This same Court previously took away those powers from her in a unanimous decision. If she’s reelected and gets her dictator powers back she could come after you, me, or anyone else that she so chooses.
No more death camps, no more Whitmer!
Ken Foster

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