Little dip

Even as revenues continue to shrink, Orion Township is expecting to maintain a fund balance of more than 93 percent in its general fund by the end of next year.
The township board unanimously approved the 2010 budget at its meeting Monday.
‘I thought we did good work,? said supervisor Matt Gibb. ‘It was a good process and? we met the challenge, made the decisions we needed to make.?
The board held several special meetings during recent months to hammer out the budget.
‘Everyone seemed to rise to the occasion,? Gibb said. ‘It was not without a lot of anxiety, and I’m sure I have a few more gray hairs.?
As a whole, the board has generally agreed to maintain the township’s higher-than-average fund balance and seek to cut spending rather than dipping into the reserve.
‘I want to thank the previous board for leaving township in sound financial condition,? said Clerk Penny Shults after the budget was approved. ‘We all want to be good stewards of everything that’s been entrusted to us.?
The general fund has a $4,892,340 allocation for 2010 budget year. The fire fund was set at $1,720,805, up from last year’s projections, but down from the amended numbers. The police fund was set at $4,260,715, while $787,000 is allocated to the Safety Path fund.
Come back next week as we take a more detailed look at the Orion Township 2010 budget.