Local 4-Hers win national honors

Michigan Horse Judging team members Emma Johnson of Clarkston, Alyssa Tomei of Ortonville, Meghan Webster of Waterford, and Lily Labovitz of Birmingham won top honors at 26th Annual Eastern National 4-H Horse Roundup, Nov. 3-4 at the Kentucky Fair & Exposition Center in Louisville, Ky.
The team finished second in the conformation portion, sixth in the performance portion, seventh in oral reasons, and second overall out of the 21 competing teams from across the country.
Individually, Johnson placed ninth in the conformation portion, and Labovitz placed fourth in the conformation portion and fifth place overall.
‘We came home with some very exciting experiences, strengthened relationships with our teammates, and developed new friendships with 4-H youth and adults from across the country,” said Cathy McGeen, a coach with Equine Studies 4-H club in Oakland County.