Dear Editor,
I’m writing in support of the upcoming Senior/Adult Activity Center proposal on the ballot for the Nov. 7 election. Many who know me know of my continued support for our community, with the work that I have done with the Clarkston Community Schools. You may even wonder why I might care about this senior center proposal, while I do still have kids in the schools. However, once you enter the existing Clarkston/Independence Township Senior Center, I’m sure you will see the need. For me, that old proverb that you often hear about in school issues still rings just as true for our senior citizens, ‘it takes a whole village to raise a child.? No one said the age was only kindergarten-12.
In this community, we have strong values: value for quality schools, value for the open space such as Clintonwood Park, and Independence Oaks, value for our hard working building parent groups, PTAs and PTOs, value for our fine athletic programs both in our schools and Independence Parks and Recreation, value for our ever supporting Chamber of Commerce. Gee, what don’t we value? Let’s show our seniors we also value them.
This proposal will renew our community’s commitment to seniors as a core value of a quality residential community while accommodating increasing demand for senior services. A successful proposal will provide a safe and ADA accessible facility that will meet our growing need while keeping its maintenance costs fiscally responsible, meet the growing needs of ‘younger seniors? and ‘limited mobility? residents, and provide day care for physically and mentally challenged adults that just cannot be provided for in our house facility, and, finally, provide needed space for senior programs and community use.
Why now? I know this has been asked for many times before. However, now a unique opportunity has been created with the recent donation from the Clarkston Community Schools of its property located between the CCS board office and library, which will be used to build this facility. No funds have changed hands, thereby reducing the requested bonding requirement. Also, the community committee ‘Citizens for Seniors? have listened to the community and this proposal is lean and addresses our greatest priority.
I, with greatest support for my valued community, ask that you vote ‘yes? twice and support our community’s seniors.
Cheryl McGinnis