Looking for kind stranger

I grew up in Oxford and attended Oxford High School. When I lived there I had the privilege of knowing a man that helped my family in a time of need.
The story goes, my sister had a still born baby but did not have the money to get him buried. (His name was Cameron Lee Vera). This man made a few phone calls and the Oxford Legion donated a grave site for my sister to bury Cameron, and he was buried in Oxford Cemetery. He not only did that but also dug the grave and even set the casket down into the grave.
At the time I placed a letter in the Oxford Leader thanking the man that donated the grave but this man asked me not to include him in this letter. It has bothered me for years, I want to mention who this man was and Thank Him with this public Thank You. This man was Roger Rickwalt. And I am forever in his debt.

John Huston