Lunch and learning with veterans

Clarkston Junior High School students lined up to serve lunch to veterans at the Veterans Luncheon, Nov. 9, at American Legion Post 63 in Clarkston.
The students, who are studying 20th century American history at the junior high, help out every year at the luncheon.
“They’re studying World War II,” said Richard Pilon of Burton, who served at the end of that war as well as the Cold War, including the Berlin Airlift in 1949.
He showed the students his Berlin Airlift medal and a medal he received during a trip to Berlin 60 years after the event.
“When they get to the Berlin Airlift, they’ll call me down to talk about it,” Pilon said.
Junior high student Adam Snider’s grand father Robert Miller served during the airlift.
“It’s rare to find people involved or know someone involved in the airlift now,” Pilon said.
The lunch was hosted by Independence Township Senior Adult Activity Center, and included a gun salute and Taps by American Legion Post 377, and presentation by Coats Funeral Home on Veteran Memorialization Benefits, including the Great Lakes National Cemetery.