Mail call!

In 13 years of writing a column, I’ve never resorted to republishing some reader comments to fill space ? until now.
But what the heck, I’ve got a space to fill and frankly, there’s nothing much happening around here right now.
Besides, a little shameless self-promotion never hurt anyone, so here goes.
‘Your article and editorial were amazing. I finally got my local paper to do a write up about my story in yesterday’s business section. It’s SO LAME compared to what you put together . . . It made me realize how much better your article was! They seem to really tow the line and don’t want to promote, or not promote anything, or offend anyone.?
? Kerri (Linto) Smith, State College, PA
Inventor of the Belly Rest
‘Many thanks for the great articles on some very special people here at the Oxford American Legion. We appreciate all you do for us. Thank you?..thank you.?
? Pat Pitel, vice president Oxford American Legion Auxiliary Unit 108
‘We would like to thank you for the fabulous article you wrote about our daughter, Kerri Lee Smith. You hit every point perfectly!! And now, you have made people so aware of just one more injustice to the small businesses of America.
‘We thought your (column) was almost better . . . You are awesome!!?
? Norm and Penny Linto
‘I just wanted to tell you how grateful I am for the wonderful article you wrote about my husband Bob Schulz. I know Bob would have loved it!! The memorial was great and we had over 100 people in attendance. The Addison Township Fire department did an outstanding job and my family are all so happy with the way everything turned out. I know why we were always so happy in the Oxford/Addison area and we are so grateful for our dear friends. Thanks again.?
? Kathy Schulz
‘Just wanted to thank C.J. for a great (column) this week (on nixing the burger festival carnival). We were one of the businesses that really suffered during the carnival. Another thank you to Maria Martin for taking our issues seriously. We are very supportive of what the DDA does for us and events that they put on. However in this case the DDA should not be making profits on the backs of the very retailers it’s supposed to helping. It’s as simple as that.?
? Koula Christi, Burdick Street Landscape Supply & Equipment