Main Street hands village 2nd year report card

For the second year in a row,, officials of the Main Street program have given the Village of Lake Orion high marks for its efforts to revitalize the downtown area.
Representatives from Main Street Oakland County and the National Trust for Historic Preservation were in town last week to evaluate the village’s progress in 2003. Lake Orion is entering its final year in a three year startup plan.
‘Generally they had favorable things to say. They said we had good community support — hard working staff and volunteers,? Downtown Lake Orion Coordinator Becky Goodman said.
Goodman said she was surprised and relieved when the Main Street group complemented the village’s work plan.
‘I felt work planning was a weakness for us. It was a difficult concept for committies to get deeply involved in,? she added.
Each committee is supposed to develop a annual work plan including specific projects, task assignments, completition dates, volunteers and costs.
Generally a Main Street program involved four standing committees — organization, design, promotion and economic restructuring.
According to Goodman, the economic committee has been taking a long time to complete a market analysis and Main Street officials would like to see that finished this year.
The problem, she said, is there have been several resignations on that committee this past year and that’s delaying the finish of the market report.
Main Street officials believe the sucess of the village’s program is challenged by its holding an election every year. ‘They say we’re constantly having to reeducate new council members,? Goodman said.
Downtown Lake Orion fundraisers have been sucessful this year. Goodman said all of the commemorative Christmas ornaments were sold and $575 was made on the Christmas tree auction.
‘We got high marks for that. Now they want us to take on bigger fundraisers,? she added.
Main Street officials expect participants to increase its funding 5 percent a year.
‘The promotions committee has been great developing events — the Flower Fair, New Year’s Resolution Run. Their goals this year will be to focus on doing more image and retail marketing events once the marketing analysis is done,? Goodman said.
‘We’re looking at a retail event, such as a sidewalk sale, combined with a dog event, maybe in August and February.?
Main Streets officials said in a meeting last week