Dear Editor:
This is a letter to thank the voters of Brandon Township and the rest of Michigan for passing the Michigan Medical Marijuana Law last November. The passage has now enabled many veterans to remove themselves from the addicting opium-based drugs the Veterans Administration has been feeding us for years. Furthermore, it gives us veterans a choice, and I believe a chance, at having a better quality of life. A life spent on opiates that have severe side effects and guarantees addiction only gets better on non-addictive marijuana. In most cases marijuana is superior to the opiates, and yes, does have a euphoria effect upon the patient. After more than 25 years of pain, I was in dire need of a little euphoria. Although marijuana does not totally relieve all the pain, it does bring it to a level low enough that I do not feel like punching the first person that says hello in the mouth. It also has a calming effect on me. I can function better on marijuana than I could on, morphine, Vicodine, methadone, or any of the other pain medication the VA and private doctors have prescribed for me in the past.
So, thank you Michigan!
A happier 100 percent disabled veteran in your community