Marketing masters

This year’s State Career Devolvement Conference was held earlier this month with over 2,500 high school students competing in marketing events. Lake Orion DECA has set a new school record with seven students qualifying to move on to the International Career Development Conference in Louisville, KY, where they will now compete against 13,000 other high school students from around the world:
Thadius Main, Principles of Business – occupational test medal, role play medal, top 10, International Conference qualifier
Tyler Failla, Accounting Applications, role play medal, top 10, International qualifier
Jordan Hill, Kelsey Cooper and Natalie Fiornai, Team Decision Making, role play medal, Top 10, International qualifiers
Jordan Edwards, Apparel and Accessories Marketing, test medal, top 10, International qualifier
Megan James, Gold Merit Awards, International qualifier
Abby Martin, Apparel and Accessories Marketing, Top 10
Megan Szydlowski, Principles of Business, top 10.