Mayor calls for clear sidewalks

A check of city sidewalks showed several still covered in snow and ice, said Mayor Joe Luginski at the Jan. 11 Clarkston City Council meeting.
“We’re at that time of year we actually have snow on the ground ? we still have issues of sidewalks being cleared properly,” Luginski said. “It’s an issue every year.”
City ordinances require residents to clear sidewalks in front of their homes of snow and ice within 24 hours.
“You’ve got to have the walks shoveled,” the mayor said. “We’ve got to make sure we enforce that.”
He has received a couple comments from residents asking if the city can plow sidewalks in the city, which was discussed last winter.
“We’ve had a lot of discussion about that,” he said. “There was a fair amount of opposition, people already had their service and didn’t want to pay for another service.”
City Manager Carol Eberhardt said she posted information about the ordinance online.
Also, city ordinance prohibits parking on city streets from 2-6 a.m. through March 1, to allow DPW workers to clear snow covered streets.
? Phil Custodio