MEAP writing scores challenged

Goodrich – After scrutinizing fourth-grade writing tests, Oaktree administrators found discrepancies.
Michigan Educational Assessment Program scores were released May 12, and fourth-grade writing scores were unusually low.
Compared to fourth-grade averages in which 48 percent of students across the state met or exceeded state standards, only 32 percent of Goodrich fourth-graders met or exceeded state standards.
Oaktree teachers and principal Kim Hart believe there’s a problem.
‘We looked at writing of students from this year and students from last year and tried to find some kind of commonality,? said Hart. ‘The problem is we didn’t see a commonality. We see some great writing pieces that are scoring low.?
While Hart isn’t advocating her students? scores are perfect, she’s concerned that grading varies from student to student, and that social studies scores’based on writing’were more acceptable, with 45 percent of fifth-graders meeting or exceeding state standards, exceeding the state average of 31 percent.
‘There’s no rhyme or reason why one is better than another.?
The State of Michigan has an established set of grading guidelines for the tests, but scoring is still subjective, says Hart.
‘I think it’s just human error, I don’t think it’s anything malicious, we just want to make sure we’re doing the best we can to give our kids the best opportunity.?
Challenging the score involved e-mailing the tests in question, with the notation ‘research requested on these test scores?.
Hart isn’t optimistic the scores will be changed, but hopes the school will be able to glean more information about what is expected of the students.
‘Maybe they’ll answer it, maybe they won’t,? she said. ‘We’re just trying to find out what we’re supposed to do.?