More cuts in school budget

Clarkston School Board will vote on the 2014 budget when they meet on June 24.
Administration updated its list of budget cuts, including eliminating 12 teacher positions, which is two more than previously planned, saving a total of $868,000; not replacing three retiring paraprofessionals, $85,000; and reducing maintenance and grounds department by four employees. Snow removal and lawn services would be contracted out, with a net savings of $150,000.
Budget cuts now total $2.75 million.
Administration’s list of additional revenue will be changed to reflect the defeat of the proposed schools-of-choice program, which was hoped to bring in $85,000. The latest budget proposal from the state would increase funding by $1.7 million.
The proposed cuts would ‘affect real people in school district, people who work really hard,” said Superintendent Dr. Rod Rock. “Unfortunately this is the reality we are facing. We’re working as hard as possible to offset these things. People are putting in tremendous amount of time to make this all work.”
Budget deadline for the district is the end of June. The school board meets at 7 p.m., June 24, at the adminstration building, 6389 Clarkston Road. Call 248-623-5408.
? Phil Custodio