MS donations

Multiple sclerosis unexpectedly strikes approximately 200 new Americans each week, often those as young as 20 years old.
During the month of March, Brandon Chiropractic will make a donation for every patient visiting the office. New patients will receive an initial exam, X-rays and a consultation for $25, which will be donated to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society in their name. Current patients referring a new patient will receive a free Ortonville ring-bound cookbook.
The staff of Brandon Chiropractic will be walking April 18 in the National Multiple Sclerosis Society Michigan Chapter Annual MS Walk in Lansing to help raise funds for research and local programs. They’ll be walking specifically to help Patricia VanWormer,53, a family member of Dr. Jay Stark, who is wheel-chair bound due to MS.
To contact Brandon Chiropractic, call (248) 627-9595. For more information about the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and the
Michigan chapter MS Walk, go to