Downtown Main Street may get a new crosswalk at Church Street, after City Manager Carol Eberhardt met with Michigan Department of Transportation.
Eberhardt updated the city council during the Nov. 25 city council meeting about ongoing discussions with MDOT.
However, they told Eberhadt trraffic lights at Washington and Main Street are adequate.
A request to place a crosswalk at 90 N. Main Street was denied.
Regarding a request the city made to install bike lanes on Main Street, Eberhardt said MDOT informed her they cannot put bike lanes on Main Street, but can put in “sharrio” lanes, designed to let cars and bikes share the lane.
Another issue addressed was speeders through downtown Clarkston. Eberhardt said MDOT suggested installing ‘bump outs? at Church and Main streets, which would be paid for by the City.
Eberhardt also said MDOT agreed to resurface Princess and Wompole streets during an M-15 resurfacing project next year.
‘The costs to resurface the streets will be included in next year’s budget,? said Eberhardt.
The new crosswalk would be added during the resurfacing project, she said.