New post member Service Award

By Shelby Stewart-Soldan
Ortonville — Amber Morris knows that the holidays can be a tough time, so she decided to help others in the community.
“I was one of those kids that got to choose from the toys at Toys for Tots,” said Morris, a Brandon Township resident. “Christmas is my favorite time, and it’s a great way to spread cheer. There’s been a lot of struggle in the last few years, and I believe every kid should get a Christmas miracle.”
This past year, Morris decided to organize a Secret Santa for families in the community. The families who were in need of gifts for their children submitted an application, and Morris matched them up with donors. Overall, they helped close to 90 kids from 30 different families.
All of her efforts won her the district VFW New Post Member Service Award, and she took second place for the award in the state of Michigan.
Morris served in the army national guard for 11 and a half years, and has been in the air national guard for the last two years. She joined VFW post 582 last April.
“I was looking for ways to volunteer and do more for the community,” she said. “I like that we help the community. All the events, meeting new people, and helping out wherever we can.”
In addition to coordinating the Secret Santas, Morris also did the drop-offs and pick-ups for families who wished to remain anonymous, which meant she did around 15 drop-offs for families herself all because she wanted to help the community.
“If there’s anything you have questions about, just ask if you can help,” she said. “Reach out to these local organizations, or find a way to start your own.”

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