New safety path coming to Addison

Soon there will be even more ways to safely travel through Addison Township.
Supervisor Bruce Pearson recently confirmed the launch of a new safety path project.
Extending 2.5 miles from Lake George Rd. through Addison Oaks County Park, then down Romeo Rd. nearly to Rochester Rd., the path is the latest in a series of county accessibility projects Pearson is overseeing.
The course will be a multipurpose pathway similar in use and construction to the Polly Ann trail. According to Dan Stencil, Executive Officer of the Oakland County Park and Recreation Staff, the track will be composed of crushed limestone and will suit horse, bike, and pedestrian traffic.
The project will kick off in late June or early July and be completed by late summer. The cost is nearly $670,000, which will be covered by the Michigan Natural Resource Trust Fund and Oakland County’s capital improvement fund.
Both Pearson and Stencil are excited about connecting Addison and Oakland townships in this manner. For Stencil, since ‘the Number One recreational activity in
the country? involves walking, hiking, or biking trails, the project ‘makes a lot of sense to invest in.?
Like Supervisor Pearson, Stencil is interested in providing the ‘critical linkages that connect the green spaces? in the local community.
Doing so will only increase the number of people, Stencil mused, and this will translate into increased activity and enjoyment for visitors to the area.
Pearson is overseeing a number of similar projects, and envisions a network of interlocking trails all through the region.
He said he will look into connecting this path with Rochester Rd. just a little beyond the presently planned destination. He’s very interested in providing a safe way for residents to travel between the green spaces
Next year, Addison will construct a similar path on the northbound edge of Rochester Rd. from Lakeville to Leonard, and more pathways like these are in the works, so keep an eye open for more ways to travel around the beautiful township.