New signs on Robertson Court

On Friday, the City posted four new signs on Robertson Court off Main Street. Two were 25 MPH and two were Children at Play signs. Drivers often use Robertson Court as a shortcut to Clarkston Road because they don’t want to wait for the traffic light.
While there is currently a No Right Turn sign visible on Main Street just before the traffic light, it is often ignored.
Robertson Court resident Ginny Schultz thinks drivers are not only taking an illegal right turn, they are also violating the 25 mile per hour speed limit and need a reminder.
‘The speed is incredible,? Schultz said during a City Council meeting on June 25. ‘We have eight children between 2 years old and 8 years old in the first three houses on Robertson Court.?
The total cost to post the signs was $163.64.
? Mary Keck