New village manager appointed

By Shelby Stewart-Soldan
Ortonville — During a special meeting on July 31, the Ortonville village council voted unanimously to appoint Matt Ryan as the new Ortonville village manager.
“The village, over the past month or so, has been interviewing candidates for the vacant position of village manager,” said Village President Ken Quisenberry. “The personnel committee interviewed several candidates and it turns out that Matt Ryan was selected as the highest of the ones we interviewed.”
The position was vacated in July when previous village manager Ryan Madis took a position with the city of Flint. The start date for Ryan is yet to be determined.
Ryan is a resident of Brandon Township and his children attend Oxford schools. He is a lawyer and financial advisor.
“I turned my law practice into generally doing estate planning and I’m also a licensed master financial coach, so I do a lot of ministry coaching and also coaching for hire for finance, personal finance,” said Ryan. “Most of that is nights and weekends, so I’ve been looking for a day job. This one kind of popped up out of no where. It makes a lot of sense for me and is an opportunity that, if I get it, I’m quite excited about. I think public service is always something I’ve thought about.”
Ryan was also the president of the Oxford Recreational Baseball Association, which is a little league baseball association. He also does ministry work at their church in Oxford, such as marriage counseling and financial planning.

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