‘No? should be final for senior center

Dear Editor:
‘No? means ‘try again,? then ‘no? means ‘try again,? then ‘no? means ‘no!? Do you think after three times the government will finally get the message? Or was it four times? We teach our kids the value of ‘no means no.?
Yet our government continually tries to vote in a senior (adult) citizen’s center and not listen to the majority. I think it’s now time to re-evaluate whether we have the right leaders in government that’s really doing what’s right for the community and not for the few, but for the many.
Clarkston has made a stand and now it’s time to move on. No matter how you change the wording, or include it with other projects, we do not want a senior citizens? center. If the seniors want one, then they can pool their money together and build one. The community may vote in a community center, if it’s similar to the one in Troy, that everyone including kids can join.
But we can save a lot of money if we just use the resources we have. We have many schools that the community should be able to use. After all, we pay taxes for them. The seniors could use the gyms, and the swimming pool during certain times, and local sports teams and kids could use the same facilities. We need to open up our schools for everyone.
Yet the school board feels we should charge huge amounts to use them. Come on, it’s all common sense, almost too easy to fix. We just have to get together as a community and make it happen.
Once again if government didn’t get the message the other 4 times, no means no! Not maybe.
Jim Altene