Oaktree Gymnasium construction begins

By David Fleet
Goodrich-On June 5 the school board of trustees moved foreword with bids for construction of the new Oaktree Gymnasium.
“Construction will begin very soon,” said Wayne Wright, district superintendent.
Fencing around the project was installed on July 5 and the new gym is expected to be functional by the fall of 2022.
Livonia based-JD Candler Roofing Co was awarded the bid for roofing & metal panels at a cost of $523,935; Lake Odessa based- Floor Care gymnasium flooring at a cost of $61,330 and Brighton-based C & M Associates LLC for Gymnasium Equipment includes bleachers and scoreboard $42, 490.
On Aug. 4, 2020 school district voters approved a $20,930,000 bond extension proposal.
Currently, the Oaktree gymnasium also serves as a lunch room. As a result, the gymnasium closes during the day and then reopens when lunch is complete.
With the new gymnasium in place additional room would be created for a ‘Makers Space’ at Oaktree. In addition, the school board approved an Lu Interactive Playground is a 3D camera system that transforms giant wall projections into touch screens that detect objects.

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