Orion Toiwnship

To the Qualified Electors of Orion Township, Oakland County, Michigan:
Notice is hereby given that Monday, April 14, 2003 is the last day to register to vote or change your address for the May 13, 2003 Special Primary Election for Oakland County Commissioner, District 3, including Orion and Oakland Townships.
If you are not currently registered to vote or have changed your address in Orion Township, please note the following locations and times for voter registration listed in this notice. Qualified electors may register to vote or change their address in one of the following manners:
In person:
· At the Orion Township Clerk’s office, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, or at the office of any County Clerk during normal business hours;
· At any of the Secretary of State branch offices located throughout the State during normal business hours;
· At the specified agency for clients receiving services through the Family Independence Agency, the Department of Community Health, Michigan Jobs Commission, and some offices of the Commission for the Blind;
· At the military recruitment offices for persons enlisting in the armed forces.
By mail:
· By obtaining and completing a Mail-In Voter Registration Application at the Township Clerk’s office or at the Orion Township Library, 825 Joslyn Rd., (248-693-3000) and forwarding it to the election official directed on the application by the close of registration deadline. Mail-in voter registration applications may be obtained by contacting:
Jill D. Bastian, Clerk
2525 Joslyn Road
Lake Orion, Michigan 48360
(248) 391-0304, ext. 104
Note: A person who registers to vote by mail is required to vote in person the first time unless they have previously voted in person in Orion Township or are at least 60 years of age or are disabled.
Publish: 4/2/03 & 4/9/03