Ortonville Downtown Development Authority open house

Ortonville- Wanted: Village residents and business owners who are interested in being involved in the community.
The purpose of the open house is to explain the DDA and encourage village property and business owners to become involved with the group, whose mission is ‘to promote the continued revitalization of the business community and support its economic potential while preserving our precious historic heritage.?
The DDA currently has four seats to fill on its board and is hoping to meet persons interested in filling the positions at the open house. Brandon Fire Chief Bob McArthur and village councilwoman and township deputy supervisor Mary Kassuba, both long-time DDA members, recently resigned their seats because of other commitments. Two other seats are open because terms are ending. DDA members are appointed by the village council based on recommendations from the DDA.
A DDA election are at noon., July 21, at the village offices, 476 Mill St., for the purpose of electing a chairman, vice-chairman, treasurer and secretary from appointed members.
DDA members are expected to attend monthly meetings. Members are also asked to consider being active on one of four Main Street committees? organization, promotion, design, or economic restructuring. Although only four DDA seats are currently available, a change in bylaws is being considered with an increase in members.
Pizza and refreshments will be offered at the open house. Please RSVP by noon on June 30 to the village offices and for more information on the DDA open house or Main Street program, call (248) 627-4976.