Overdose claims life in village

Jon-Erik B. Ylvisaker, a 24-year-old Orion man, died of a drug overdose, Wednesday, March 17 at a residence on Lakeview.
‘It was a life stolen and a future deprived over a drug,? said Lake Orion Police Chief Jerry Narsh. ‘That ought to disturb us all.?
According to police, Ylvisaker had been drifting between homes of friends and families in the area for some time, and ended up knocking door-to-door, looking for a place to stay last week. A couple on Lakeview Street said they were trying ‘to do the Christian thing? and took him in, Tuesday, March 16. The couple last saw Ylvisaker alive at 6:30 that evening.
Around 4:30 a.m. Wednesday, the woman found Ylvisaker unresponsive in the bathroom. The couple called police, who discovered ‘the works? or a kit containing a syringe, spoon, filter material and other items used for injecting drugs, near the 24-year-old. Police are awaiting a toxicology report to determine which drug was used in the incident, though the police chief says he suspects heroin.
Ylvisaker had originally identified himself to the couple as John Lepage and police discovered his real identity after contacting family members on Ylvisaker’s cell phone.
‘He was a son, he was a brother, he was a grandson and he was a friend,? said Narsh, ‘and now he’s gone.?
The chief added, ‘It was quite a horror for the folks who wanted to help this man. It was a very traumatic experience for them to go through. In the process, they became victims as well.?
Police caution residents against inviting strangers into their homes.
‘I’m not implying that this man would have harmed them,? said Narsh, ‘and yes the economy is tough, but be very careful in inviting people into your homes or cars.?