Oxford rallies ’round family Working on making last wish come true

It’s not Christmas or even Thanksgiving yet, but the spirit of giving is alive and well in Oxford.
Businesses and individuals alike are pitching in to make the last wish of Audrey Tenaglia–a terminally-ill 42-year-old wife and mother of four–a reality.
While Tenaglia undergoes treatments, she also wants to fulfill her dream of taking her children to Disney World in Florida. So far, she’s getting lots and lots of help.
Red Knapp’s American Grill will host a fundraiser on Nov. 25 from 11:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. On that day, for customers who present a coupon stating they’re there to raise money for the Tenaglias, 20 percent of their bill will be donated to the family.
These special are available in The Oxford Leader or by e-mailing ejpickwick@aol.com.
Event organizer Evelyn Pickwick added coupons are being sent home with children at area schools.
Oxford High School is getting involved. The National Honor Society, Student Council, Students Against Drunk Driving, Social Studies Department, Yearbook, Cross Country and the Class of 2010 are among the organizations that have donated money.
Even the school secretaries have given money. According to OHS English teacher and NHS director Josh Budden, the money normally used by the secretaries to get each other Christmas presents is instead being donated to the Tenaglia family. Budden estimated that between donations from OHS and from other Oxford schools, they’ll have between $2,300-$2,500 to donate.
OHS Principal Michael Schweig feels the school’s efforts are a testimony of the community’s gift-giving as a whole.
‘It’s just a phenomenal effort from community standpoint,? he said. ? We’re coming together as a community to help one of our own.?