Pit bulls not the problem…we are

Dear Editor,
(In response to: ‘Village Council: ‘Pit bulls: We need to address this immediately,?? The Citizen, page 1, Aug. 1.)
The name of this article and much of the content would suggest that there is a problem with this breed of dog and the possibility of a ban on this breed of dog in Ortonville. I was not the only one to draw this conclusion from this article, as many people who attended the council meeting had that same concern. People attending the council meeting learned pretty quickly that the problem is irresponsible pet owners allowing dogs to run off leash. Had the dogs been labradors or German shepherds or weimeraners, the same law would be broken and the same residents would be rightfully fearful and upset.
This reporter made this story about pit bulls and a potential breed ban. Why? I can speculate and surmise that pit bulls in the news get more attention.
Or maybe the reporter has her own bias against the breed. That is just speculation though, and not a verified fact, so let’s be responsible and disregard that speculation and just acknowledge that any reason for putting a spin on a story to color the truth is irresponsible journalism. Ms. Bromley’s follow up article in the Aug. 15 edition again concentrates heavily on the name of one breed of dog. Fortunately the councilmembers did not rely on Bromley’s reporting to determine a course of action.
I am so very disappointed in your paper and in this particular author. If I read anything she writes in the future, I will know that I cannot rely on it as true news. Roberta Angelo, Goodrich