Playground construction’Community Build Day

By Meredith Mayberry
Staff Writer
A new playground at the Brandon Township Community Park is in the works. However, the community’s help is needed during the installation process.
Brandon Parks and Recreation Director Fred Waybrant is asking the community to take part in the construction of the playground.
At 7 a.m., July 18 will be a Community Build Day at the park located at 1414 N. Hadley Road. About 30-40 volunteers are needed, Waybrant said.
Two professional supervisors from Playworld Midstates will be present during the Community Build Day, which will last about 12 hours to ensure total installation.
According to Playworld Midstates, a good rule of thumb is that the total number of volunteers should equal the number of children the playground will hold. This includes food prep, on-site baby sitters, assemblers and installers for the whole day.
Workers can be scheduled for 4-6 hour shifts throughout the day, and most of the volunteer tasks do not require experience.
Interested volunteers can call the Brandon Parks and Recreation office at 810-627-4640.