By Susan Reddy
Coffee Club Member
Thank you to all the staff of Sherman Publication, Inc, our founding mothers and fathers of our hometown Coffee Club.?
The First Annual Coffee Club Business Expo, April 28 at the United Methodist Church in Clarkston, filled our meeting room, standing room only at times.?
Thanks for those businesses that donated gifts for our raffles and congrats to those winners!?
As a member of the Coffee Club since October 2010, I have enjoyed meeting and networking with the community business owners each week on Thursday morning at the church., not to mention those meetings in Ortonville on Wednesdays and Orion Township, Fridays.?
Those community residents that came to our event last night were greeted with excitement.’Between the conversations, the songs, the music, it was a fun packed night.? Special thanks to Jill Mitchell for her continuous introductions of the vendors as they were greeted last night during set up time.’Her excitement was contagious!?
If we were strangers at the beginning of the expo, the vendors left as friends and that is what the Coffee Club means to so many’networking with friends.?
Thanks again to all and I speak for many, we look forward to the next event. I hope other businesses will come and visit next Thursday.’Same time; 7:30 am, same place; United Methodist Church, same purpose; network and building relationships.
Please see page 10A for story and more pics!