Prepare now for kindergarten registration

Kindergarten registration
Goodrich- Children in the Goodrich School District turning 5 years old before Dec. 1, 2004 are eligible to register for kindergarten this spring.
Mark your calendars now for registration, which will be held April 19 through 23 at Reid Elementary School, located at 7501 Seneca St, just north of downtown Goodrich. Round-up nights will be held May 4 and 6. Hearing and vision tests are also required and can be performed by the school; sign up at round-up night.
To register:
Call (810) 591-3455 for a packet to complete prior to registration.
What you’ll need to register:
*Completed packet
*Doctor’s physical examination
* Up-to-date immunization record, including Hepatitis B and chicken pox immunizations
*Child’s actual birth certificate (not hospital certificate)
*Child’s Social Security card