Atlas Township
Genesee County, Michigan
Recreation Plan
Notice of Public Hearing and Availability of Draft Plan for Review
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Atlas Township Board of Trustees on
Tuesday, January 21, 2025, at 5:30 p.m., at the Atlas Township Hall, located at 7386 South Gale Road,
Grand Blanc, Michigan, 48439. The public hearing is being held to receive comments from citizens and
consider the adoption of the Atlas Township Recreation Plan, 2025-2029.
A Recreation Plan assists the Township in identifying recreation needs. The plan will serve as a guide to
document priorities for improvements. When approved by the Michigan Department of Natural
Resources (MDNR), the plan qualifies the Township for recreation grants, which are administered
through the MDNR. The proposed plan includes a community description, an overview of the
administrative structure of the Township, an inventory of existing facilities, a recreation needs analysis,
and an action program for proposed recreation improvements for the next five years.
A copy of the draft Recreation Plan 2025-2029 is available for public review at the Township Hall,
located at the above-noted address, as well as on the Township website at