JULY 16, 2018 AT 5:30 P.M.
7386 SOUTH GALE ROAD, GRAND BLANC, MI 48439 (810) 636-2548
Members present:T. Onica, K. Vick, A. Moore, B. June, P. Major
Members absent:None
Staff present:S. Wilkerson, D. Lattie, S. Bullen, E. Klimek
The Board took the following actions:
1) Approved the minutes of the regular meeting May 21, 2018 as presented.
2) Approved the minutes of the special meeting June 7, 2018 as presented.
3) Approved the minutes of the special meeting of July 9, 2018 as presented.
4) Received the Treasurer’s report as presented.
5) Honored the warrants and paid the bills as presented.
6) Denied R-5 Farms, LLC’s request to rezone PID #02-08-300-001, 8164 Perry Road from RSA to ORA.
7) Approved request from Lakeshore Bluffs to extend the private road based on ZBA recommendation.
8) Set Public Hearing for Lake Shinanguag Aqua Weed Special Assessment for August 20, 2018 at 5:30 p.m.
9) Removed landscaping for township grounds from the agenda.
10) Approved $50 monthly stipend for Deputy Clerk and Deputy Treasurer.
11) Set Public Hearing for Gale Lake Special Assessment Weed Control for August 20, 2018 at 5:30 p.m.
12) Removed additional hours for Deputy Clerk from the agenda.
13) Authorized purchase of Defibrillator for township office at a cost of $1800.
14) Meeting adjourned at 7:36 p.m.
Complete copies of the minutes are available in the Township Clerk’s office located at the aforementioned address Monday thru Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Posted by:
Katherine Vick, Clerk
Atlas Township