Public Notice: Brandon Township

ORDINANCE #______________


Charter Township of Brandon Code of Ordinances,
revising Article IX Section 46-421
Glare and Exterior Lighting

The Board of Trustees of The Charter Township of Brandon has determined that the public health, safety
and general welfare will be served if the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 46, ZONING, is amended to revise Article
IX, Glare and Exterior Lighting, Section 46-421 as follows:
1. Short Title. This Ordinance shall be known as and may be cited as the Charter Township of Brandon Code of
Ordinances, Chapter 46, ZONING amending Ordinance for Glare and Exterior Lighting.
2. Revision to Ordinance. Chapter 46 of the Code of Ordinances, Section 46-421 is hereby amended to state as
Sec. 46-421. Glare and exterior lighting.
(a) Intent. It is the goal of the township to minimize lighting levels to reduce off-site impacts, prevent the
reflection and glare of light in a manner which creates a nuisance or safety hazard to operators of motor
vehicles, pedestrians, and neighboring land uses, and to promote "dark skies" in keeping with the rural
character of township. Exterior lighting shall be located and maintained to prevent the reflection and glare of
light (including light from vehicles) in a manner which creates a nuisance or safety hazard to operators of
motor vehicles, pedestrians, and neighboring land uses.
(b) Industrial and Commercial Uses.
(1) Any operation which produces intense glare or heat, shall be conducted within an enclosure so as
to completely obscure and shield such operation from direct view from any point along the lot lines. If heat
is a result of an industrial operation, it shall be so insulated as to not raise the temperature at any property
line at any time. Glare from any process (such as or similar to arc welding or acetylene torch cutting)
which emits harmful ultraviolet rays shall be performed in such a manner as not to be seen from any point
beyond the property line, and as not to create a public nuisance or hazard along lot lines.
(2) Exterior doors shall be located, operated, and maintained so as to prevent any glare and light from
creating a nuisance or safety hazard to operators of motor vehicles, pedestrians, and neighboring land uses.
(3) On-site lighting (i.e., parking, building lights, etc.) shall conform to the following regulations:
(i) When site plan review is required, all lighting, including signage and ornamental lighting, shall
be shown on site plans in sufficient detail with appropriate photometric studies to allow
determination of the effects of such lighting upon adjacent properties, traffic safety, and
overhead sky glow. The objectives of these specific actions are to minimize undesirable on-site
(ii) Only nonglare, color-corrected lighting shall be permitted. For all nonresidential uses, full cutoff
shades are required for light sources so as to direct the light onto the site and away from
adjoining properties. The light source shall be recessed into the fixture so as not to be visible
from off site. Building and pole-mounted fixtures shall be parallel to the ground. Ball-park type
lighting is prohibited.

(iii) Lighting for uses adjacent to residentially zoned or used property shall be designed and
maintained such that illumination levels do not exceed one-tenth footcandles along property
lines. Lighting for uses adjacent to nonresidential properties shall be designed and maintained
such that illumination levels do not exceed three-tenths footcandles along property lines. Where
lighting is required, maximum light levels shall not exceed 25 footcandles directly beneath a
light fixture. Lighting levels shall not exceed three footcandles as measured directly between
two fixtures. The planning commission may allow for an increased level of lighting above
maximum permissible levels when it determines that the applicant has demonstrated that such
lighting is necessary for safety and security purposes. For the purposes of this chapter, all
lighting measurements shall be taken at ground level.
(4) For parking lots of less than 100 parking spaces, lighting fixtures shall not exceed a height of 16
feet measured from the ground level to the centerline of the light source. For parking lots of more than 100
spaces, lighting fixtures shall not exceed a height of 18 feet measured from the ground level to the
centerline of the light source.
(5) Signs shall be illuminated only in accordance with the regulations set forth in this chapter. In
addition, signs within residential districts, if allowed, shall not be illuminated.
(6) Building or roof-mounted lighting intended to attract attention to the building and/or use and not
strictly designed for security purposes shall not be permitted. (Ord. of 3-17-2008, 12.07).
Residential Lighting Standards.
(1) Hazard and nuisance. All lighting shall be aimed, located, designed, fitted and maintained so as to not
create a hazard or nuisance to drivers, pedestrians, or neighboring uses and properties.
(2) Lighting level. The maximum light level projected onto a residentially zoned or used property shall be
zero point one (0.1) footcandles.
(3) Color. Light sources shall have a color temperature not to exceed three thousand five hundred (3,500)
Kelvin. This shall not apply to neon luminous tubes and architectural accent lighting.
(4) Direction. Lighting shall be directed away from adjoining lots, rights of way, and public spaces to the
greatest extent possible.
(5) Cut-off Angle. Light fixtures shall be a full cutoff fixture, with a one hundred (100%) percent cut-off
angle above the horizontal plane of the bottom of the fixture. The light source and diffuser shall be
located above the horizontal plane of the bottom of the fixture and shall not be visible from off the site.
(6) Shielding. Vegetative screens shall not serve as the primary means for controlling glare or lighting
levels. Control shall be achieved primarily through the use of full cutoff luminaires, shields and
baffles, appropriate mounting height, wattage, direction and placement.
(7) Wiring. Electrical service for outdoor lighting that is not attached to a building shall be underground.
(8) Freestanding Lighting:
(i) Light Intensity. The maximum light intensity at ground level below a light fixture shall be ten (10)
(ii) Height. The maximum fixture height shall be twenty (20) feet, measured from the ground adjacent
to the light pole to the bottom of the fixture. If a light pole is placed on a berm, the height shall be
measured from the base of the berm.

(iii) Location. Freestanding pole lighting located near parking areas, driveways, or streets or with a
landscaped parking island shall be at least three (3) feet from the edge of the curb or pavement.
Freestanding pole lighting located within parking areas shall be mounted on a concrete base at least
thirty (30) inches high.
(iv) Bollard Height. Bollard lighting shall have a maximum height of three (3) feet.
(9) Flagpole Lighting:
(i) Light Intensity. The fixture shall have a maximum intensity of four thousand five hundred (4,500)
lumens per flagpole. (300w incandescent)
(ii) Details. The fixture shall have the smallest beam spread to illuminate the flag and shall be
shielded or located to direct light away from streets and adjacent properties and prevent glare.
3. Balance of Ordinance Remains in Effect. Chapter 46, Article IX, of the Brandon Township Code of
Ordinances is hereby affirmed and remains in full force and effect, except as specifically modified herein.
4. Severability. If any subsection, clause, phrase or portions of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or
unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and
independent portion of this ordinance and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of
this ordinance.
5. Savings. All proceedings pending and all rights and liabilities existing, acquired or incurred at the time this
Ordinance takes effect, are saved and may be consummated according to the law in force when they were
6. Notice to Be Published. The Township Clerk for the Charter Township of Brandon shall publish this
ordinance in the manner required by MCL 42.22.
7. Effective Date. This Ordinance section will be in effect as an Ordinance of the Charter Township of Brandon
immediately upon its Publication.
First Reading posted in the Citizen Newspaper, on 9/14/2024, by Brandon Township Clerk Roselyn Blair, 395
Mill St., Ortonville, MI 48462

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