Public Notice: Brandon Township


Regular Meeting

The Charter Township of Brandon Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing March 26, 2025 at 7:00 P.M. at
Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462 to hear the following appeals:

Appeal # 25-0002 Zoned: RE Property ID # 03-30-351-017
Frink, Brad
Location: 405 Betsy Lane, Ortonville
Request: Applicant requests a variance from the following:
 Section 46-242 (1) d (4), to allow 3,360 total accessory structure square footage, in an RE zone, where a
maximum of 2,900 SF would be allowed if applicant combines his two properties are combined, in violation by
460 SF.

Appeal # 25-0003 Zoned: RE Property ID # 03-03-276-012
Duellman, Michael
Location: 1671 Connell Road, Ortonville
Request: Applicant requests variances from the following:
 Section 46-242 (1) f, to allow an accessory structure to be placed 10’ from the main building (25’ required) in
violation by 15’.
 Section 46-242 (1) f, to allow an accessory structure to be placed 15’ from the side yard setback (25’ required) in
violation by 10’.

Written comments may be sent to the Zoning Board of Appeals, 395 Mills Street, P. O. Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462, up until 5 pm on
the day of the meeting.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at
248.627.4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.

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