Z 2018-001
ORV Park
02-18-351-017 and
eastern portion of
Proposed Ordinance to Amend Section 21.00.00 of the code of the Township of Groveland. Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held on Tuesday, August 28, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. at the Groveland Township Hall, 4695 Grange Hall Road, Holly, MI 48442 for the purpose of hearing all persons interested in the proposed amendment. The amendment, if adopted by the Groveland Township Board, would revise the Groveland Township codified Ordinances, as amended, and change the zoning map text of the Township of Groveland of the following described property as follows:
Z 2018-001, ORV Park. The property sought to be rezoned is located west of Dixie Hwy, north of Shields Rd and south of Big Sky Dr. parcels 02-18-351-017 and the eastern portion of 02-19-100-003 from I2 and E1 to RC Recreational. The existing parcel contains 12.91 acres and is zoned I2 and 88.84 acres 44.14 zoned E1 and 44.7 zoned RC. The applicant is requesting the property will be zoned RC recreational.
Proposed language for the amendment is available at the Township Office during regular business hours. If you are unable to attend the meeting your written comments are welcome prior to the night of the meeting, or you can telephone (248) 634-4152.
Publish in The Citizen 8-11-18