Monday, September 21 – Property damage was reported on Lakeville Rd.
*The owner of a blue 2002 Pontiac Aztec was locked out on W. Burdick.
*A male claimed that he was assaulted by his wife.
*A caller reported that his condo was infested with tiny dogs that were the size of ants.
Sunday, September 20 – On Crawford, a car door was left open and a dome light was on. Police checked and nothing appeared to be missing from the vehicle.
*A woman was taken to POH because she was feeling dizzy after claiming to have been struck by a falling object on Crestwood.
*There was a disorderly conduct issued between two subjects on S. Washington and W. Burdick. One subject was having trouble with the other one.
Saturday, September 19 – Boaters on a lake were threatening a homeowner on Brookfield.
*A 14-year-old male nearly got hit by several cars on S. Washington and E. Burdick. He appeared to be high or intoxicated.
*A trespasser was reported at an establishment on N. Lapeer Rd.
Friday, September 18 – A female reported that someone was hacking into her computer.
*A suspicious vehicle was reported on Lakes Edge Dr. The vehicle was gone when the officer arrived.
*There was a possible OWI on S. Lapeer Rd. The driver was lost and pulled into a parking lot.
Thursday, September 17 – Two vicious dogs were chasing a female and her dog on a trail by Lakeville Rd.
*An unwanted subject kept pounding on the door of a female on Crawford St. The subject appeared to be high or intoxicated.
*A suspicious vehicle was reported after the driver saw an officer and immediately left the area.
Wednesday, September 16 – A store on S. Washington was having customer problems. Police were called and advised all the parties involved.
*A caller filed a parking complaint against people who were parking in his driveway.
*A blue IPod Nano, an endorsed check, two PlayStation 2’s, some PlayStation games and a camera were taken from a home on Hunter’s Rill. The check was later found with the person who stole the items. It was also discovered that the suspect sold a PlayStation and the games at a store.
Tuesday, September 15 – Subject ran out of gas in a parking lot on W. Burdick.
*A vehicle was on the side of the road on S. Lapeer and Drahner with it’s hazard lights on.
*A suspicious vehicle was reported on S. Lapeer and Drahner.