Reporting for reporting

After rushing home from school and out of the insanely crowded school parking lot, I tried my best to make myself presentable to the editor and staff writer of The Lake Orion Review in a few short minutes. I just learned that same day that I would be interviewing for an internship position at the paper, and wearing a skirt to the interview. Considering how the weather was- not a smart idea, Leah, not a smart idea.
I am currently a senior at Lake Orion High School. After living here for seventeen years, it is odd to think of myself as one of the ‘big kids? around town. And all high schools must have their half time show performers. I have been a member of the Dragon Marching Band for 3 years. My first year I played flute, however I soon switched to the obnoxiously loud, arm straining tuba. All of my friends said I wouldn’t make it through my first season. Well, I have made it through two — take that!
As for future plans, I’m weighing my options between Central Michigan and Wayne State University. I plan to study journalism. The white board that my mom used to teach me my letters now consists of a pro/con chart for each school, as well as the rather large running total of expenses.
Why journalism? I love reading and writing. My room consists of an overflowing bookcase filled with almost every genre, from Jane Austen to my personal favorite, Janet Evanovich. Ever since I was little, writing has been my ‘thing?.
During my time here at The Lake Orion Review, I hope to expand my knowledge and social circle from outside of the four walls of the high school. Don’t get me wrong, I have enjoyed my time there (sometimes, probably a bit too much). I’m excited to put my stories ‘out there?, so to speak.
Now after my first day here, I will ‘cater to my dogs? whims,? as my mom would say. My dogs, as well as my family, and of course my friends, are what you could say are most important to me. To remain a kid at heart would sum me up, and in general, if something is edible and covered in chocolate, we’re on good terms.

Leah Yanuszeski is an intern for The Lake Orion Review