Rescued ring meets rightful owner

By Elizabeth Lowe
Staff writer

Groveland Twp. – It was in the 1980s when Allan Jawors discovered a ring buried in the sand of a Florida beach.
Now the ring is on its way to its owner in Hermosa Beach, Calif.
Jawor, of Groveland Township, tucked the bent ring away in a box of pennies and trinkets for years.
Three metal detectors and several finds later, Jawor got out the ring, straightening it enough to read the inscription.
Jeweler Dave Bonner reshaped the ring, polishing it like new, and Jawors contacted the Baltimore Polytechnic Institute by e-mail. He left his e-mail address and a phone number.
Several days later, he’d received no word.
‘Then the phone rang,? said Jawor, who couldn’t believe he was talking to the ring owner.
Now he’s shipping it to California, at his own expense.
‘It means more to him than it does me,? he said. ‘I’d rather see him have it and be able to tell the story.?