Rotary to hit streets

Even in its 58th year, Clarkston Rotarian Mindy DeLong is still excited about the club’s Goodfellows Newspaper sale.
“Our family would not miss it for all the tea in China,? she said.
‘Everybody who does it feels really good about themselves and it makes their holidays. There is a joke in my personal family, ‘you can’t tell its Christmas until the living room is so full of shoes and boots you can’t get through it.??
Clarkston Rotarians will sell Goodfellows Newspapers on street corners next weekend, Dec. 5-6, proceeds to provide new shoes, boots, hats, mittens, and gloves to nearly 600 children this year.
‘We got record referrals this year, with 576 kids, mostly through Clarkston Schools,? said DeLong, Goodfellow co-chairperson with her husband, Joel.
DeLong noted they were $1,500 – $2,000 in the hole before starting because Boy Scouts can’t sell papers at local Kroger stores this year, due to their contract with Salvation Army.
‘That’s about what the Boy Scouts were able to make over there,? she said.
With the economic times, there is definitely a need for both volunteers and donations, said Rotary Club President Bart Clark.
‘It’s probably one of Rotary’s premier local charities,? he said. ‘One of the things we do the most.?
The Goodfellows paper is written by local Rotarians and published by The Clarkston News publisher Jim Sherman, Jr.
The Rotary Club has had many volunteers from Oakland Wood Baptist Church, Lions Club, Boy Scouts, as well as donations of hats and gloves from different schools, individuals, and organizations around the area.
Clark hopes they raise $12,000 or more. Shoes, boots, hats and mittens will be distributed to children on Dec. 13 at Oakland Wood Baptist Church.
‘It’s a great deal of satisfaction we gain from doing this. It’s one way we can give back to the more needy people of the community and it is the Christmas season, so it all comes together,? said Clark. ‘We’re happy to do this we’ve done this for years and years. It’s a good thing to do and it adds a lot to the Christmas spirit, too.?
Those interested in volunteering can call Joel and Mindy DeLong, 248-625-9741. Donations can be made directly to Clarkston Rotary-Goodfellows and mailed to: Goodfellows, c/o Clarkston Rotary Club PO Box 43, Clarkston, MI 48347.