Rummage sale help needed

Brandon Twp.- Green grass and flowers aren’t the only things that sprout in spring? yard sale and garage sale signs also begin popping up at this time of year.
While the Ortonville Community Emergency Fund Rummage Sale is still months away, planned for Sept. 17-19, the hunt is on for volunteers to help organize the massive annual event.
‘We are looking for a team of at least four people, it’s a big job,? said Sue Kelty, who, along with Beth Rossman, will be the first two members of the team. ‘There is a whole part of the rummage sale that has tools, electronics, garden equipment, and I’m not knowledgeable about that stuff. We could use good men to step forward and be part of the team. We would welcome folks from all eight churches, from civic groups, everyone.?
The rummage sale benefits the OCEF food pantry, and is the non-profit organization’s largest fundraiser. About 180 families residing in the Brandon School District are currently served by the OCEF food pantry per month. The food pantry is housed at St. Anne Catholic Church, but is a community effort, supported by donations and volunteer work by individuals, eight local churches, and multiple area groups.
Rummage sale volunteers would help collect items for the sale and plan and publicize the event, formerly chaired by Suzy Fluck and Sue Roberts, who stepped down last fall after 10 years at the helm. The rummage sale committee will have monthly meetings until September and then a busy week beginning Sept. 15, when the community begins dropping off items for the sale and volunteers will be needed to organize and price the donations over the next few days until the pre-sale Sept. 17, followed by the regular sale Sept. 18-19, and the subsequent cleanup Sept. 20.
Last year for the 10th anniversary of the rummage sale, more than $10,000 was raised.
‘Our goal is to continue to meet the needs of the families and children in Ortonville,? said Kelty. ‘I don’t think the economy has come back really.?
For more information on how you can help, call Sue Kelty at 734-516-4184 or Beth Rossman at 248-942-5844.