Scarecrow contest

The 2009 scarecrow contest winners: Ortonville’s Post Office, ‘Best Use of a Theme,? for their postman scarecrow delivering mail to spooky Ortonville residents. Clarkston Brandon Community Credit Union, ‘Least like a scarecrow,? for their turkey scarecrow holding a box of stuffing. The Hayden family, ‘Most Original,? with their scarecrow toddler and adult combination. Trinity Photography’s ‘bride? scarecrow won ‘Best Use of Recycled Materials.? Also, Clarkston/Brandon Girl Scout troops who decorated two scarecrows as part of a troop meeting; one of their scarecrows won for ‘Best Hat.? Pictures of all the scarecrows are available at

The Ortonville DDA is sponsoring the annual Scarecrow Contest. For $10, anyone can enter the contest and receive a free scarecrow frame and dress it yourself, or for $15 you can dress your scarecrow with a costume of your choice. The Main Street Ortonville DDA plans to line the downtown streets and lawns with scarecrows. The scarecrow judging takes place on Friday, Oct. 31. after Trick-or-Treating has ended.
Entry forms and Scarecrow frames can be picked up at the DDA Office within the Village Office.