Seeking area Purple Heart recipients

Gary D. Frank was presented a Purple Heart for his sacrifice.
At some point, however, the medal presented for being wounded or killed in any action against an enemy of the United States or opposing armed forces was separated from Frank. The medal was found in the Clio area and ended up in the hands of Ortonville VFW Post 582 Commander Dennis Hoffman.
‘We know Frank is about 69-years-old and the medal was found within the last six months,? said Hoffman. ‘That’s about all we know. We just have not been able to find this man. If it was lost or stolen we’d like it returned to him or at least a family member. We don’t want any of these men and women forgotten.?
After recovering the Purple Heart, Hoffman, who served in the Army in the late 1960s, has been spearheading a plan to seek an official proclamation that would designate Ortonville a Purple Heart Community.
‘I would guess there’s about 500 veterans in the Ortonville area,? he said. ‘Of those, maybe 75 or 100 have a Purple Heart.?
Earlier this month Hoffman posted a notice in The Citizen newspaper seeking area individuals who received a Purple Heart.
‘In the first few weeks we’ve had 18 veterans come forward that have received a Purple Heart,? he said. ‘There are many more out there and we’d appreciate others to come forward.?
Hoffman said once a list of recipients have been gathered the names could be read at Memorial Day gatherings and a monument could possibly be dedicated to those individuals. Locally the City of Holly received the designation in November 2015 and became the only community in Oakland County to become a Purple Heart City.
‘We’d really like to find Gary Frank and move forward with establishing some recognition for our Purple Heart recipients right here in our community. Perhaps a road sign and some type of monument could be constructed.?
Anyone wishing to contribute or be a part of this program, contact the Ortonville VFW at 248-627-1065.